The Trickstar


Throws a special Candy that does Damage and and slows on impact.
90 Damage(1.2scaling)
30% Slow
15s Cooldown

Creates a portal that you can place where ever you want. You need to place 2 Portels. If you stand on a portal you need to wait 5s to teleport. The portels destroy themselfs if a third portel is set(Echo Shard) or after 30s. Enimies also can walk through but they get no buffs(later) The portel only can placed on the ground.
120s Cooldown
30s portal duration

Glitch the enimies with a speacial hex. If you glitch an opponent, their abilities are swapped. That means for examble that there Ultimate is now on there first slot and you need to press 1 to activate the ultimate
40 Damage(0.5scaling)
3s Glicht duration
25s Cooldwon

Place a tracker on a enimie. Tracked opponents will always be visible on the map. After some time the tracker will explode. Only can track one enimie
45s Tracker duration
150 Damage(2.0scaling)

In my Opinoin this hero would be kinda cool and in a good team a must have. He should be a support who helps the team. He should have a Mid Range gun