TF2 MvM-esque consumables?

These items would provide a brief, but powerful effect... and then they're gone, and you need to buy them again. So in a sense you're trading long-term power for short-term gain. Could be useful if you need something now instead later, or just used to flex when you're ahead.

Each of these would take an active item slot, but they could hold multiple charges - though you might need to buy them multiple times for that.

So the consumables would be:

  • Teleport back to Base - Would be very useful as an retreat tool, or to quickly reposition. It's not an instant TP, but I'm not sure how long the delay should be. I will leave that to devs.
  • Instantly reload current magazine, and make the next reload faster. - That "make reload faster" works 1 time after use and is lost upon death, but otherwise it would help you keep up the pressure.
  • Heal - Self-explanatory. Might also restore stamina but that's optional.
  • Deal more Weapon or Spirit damage - For those moments where you really need to burst an enemy down. This one should be the most flashy and expensive consumable, something akin to a warning for enemies that this person just really wanted them dead.
There could be more types of consumables, like cooldown reduction or movement speed, but those 4 I would say would be the best to start with.