

New member
Moba's usually have consumables, but I'm not sure that feels right here.

I'm proposing Reusables. Items you buy at a shop, go in an active slot, and have X number of charges. If you go back to base, the charges refresh. (Maybe when you visit any shop?) I would expect them to be on the cheaper side of things, probably less than 500. Not massive impact items, just things to help steer your early/mid game in the correct direction.

Temporary shield
Small Heal
Speed burst
Reload speed increase/instant reload
Stamina Refresh
Damage/ Attack speed Boost
Cooldown timer boost (CD faster for Y seconds OR shave Z seconds off each CD)
Charge restoration

I think the active items are a really cool part of gameplay, and seeing some of them earlier in the game could be a good stylistic choice and lead to interesting "Now or Later" spending of souls. Do I want a reusable so that I can have a better laning/mid game, or is it important that I save up for an item with larger impact? Am I constantly getting chipped at and need a little help sustaining, or can I bear it long enough and come out with a 3k item?

Having said this, for people more experienced than myself; do you feel the active items at 1200 fulfill this ideology? Do you think cheap starter tier items could be a good fit?
I agree with the sentiment that having more active items available to players in the early game would be a good idea! I think the idea of "reusables" that fill a similar role to active items and consumables from MOBAs like DOTA would be a good idea too.

Personally though, I think it'd be better overall for the game if they had a really long cooldown instead of charges. Charges would still effectively make them consumables, as eventually they would run out. If you really want them to be "reusable" only, you'd want to keep that sort of functionality in a way that can auto-renew in a player's inventory. That means giving them cooldowns, perhaps long 30 or 60 second ones, would be my go-to for this IMO.

I also think the early game needs more items in general myself, there isn't really enough of them as it is and I feel like I'm focusing too much on saving souls over spending them to give me advantages earlier in the match, and it can take awhile to get to 3,000 souls on some characters let alone the 6,500 needed for something like Glass Cannon.
After playing another fistful of games, I think more early game actives like Healing Rite are what would hit the spot. I'm sad it's the only active at 500, because in the early game, your CDs are too long, so it feels like you only get to push a button every other wave.