Testing Lucky Shot and Haze Ult, both seem inconsistent/buggy


New member
Did some testing in sandbox

Lucky Shot:
The 80% damage proc doesn't show up as a separate damage instance, it does not seem to proc anything else, but it will double proc:
  • Infernus Passive
  • Haze Passive
  • Toxic Bullets
  • Ricochet (procs will be doubled on the second target)
  • Spiritual Overflow

Haze Ult seems to work the same way, where it will always proc everything in the list above on each hit, but NEVER proc the things below, such as:
  • Tesla Bullets
  • Lucky Shot
  • Burst Fire (this and only this will proc off a Ricochet off her ult, and provide benefit)
  • Escalating Resilience

Seems inconsistent and unclear, and I feel like at least one of these interactions is bugged.