Tank Killing item


New member
I don't know the experience of other players but every game i play its just the team with more tanks wins i feel like there should be a tank shredder item stuff like LDR from League or a spirit item that has dealing consistent dmg ramps up max heath % or a burn item that does max hp dmg honestly just something that has max hp dmg i know mystic burst has % hp dmg but the problem is the life steal so maybe a item that has healing reduction and %hp dmg could be an active or passive effect im not really sure
All anti selfhealing tank items in the game:
Bullet-resist shredder (-12% bullet resist) 1250
Decay (2.8% current health each second for 10 seconds, -70% healing reduction) 1250
Improved burst (10% max health damage) 3500
Hunter's aura (-30% bullet resist in melee range) 3000
Toxic bullets (6%/sec current health, -55% healing reduction) 3000
Crippling headshot(24% bullet resist reduction, 24% spirit resist reduction) 6300
Healbane(-40% healing reduction) 1250