Take Control causes desync, made worse by low Host_Timescale

When using Take Control in sandbox, there is about a 3 second delay when you transfer heroes before your client will render any new information from the server. This isn't the server freezing, as doing any action will happen instantly server side. Jumping for example, you will still hear the impact of landing.

This issue is exacerbated by changing the host_timescale below 1.0, putting it to .1 it now takes about 30 seconds for the render thread to realize.

I did notice in console that when the game resyncs the following message appears. (Tater being my steam name.)

[Server] SV: Sending full update to client Tater (reason: can't find client frame for world snapshot 48837 (12) on server tick 48965)
[Server] 'Tater' already awaiting full update