T4 active vitality - "๐๐ฎ๐๐๐ข๐ง๐ " <- craft from "healing booster" (with littl pic :)


T4 <active> vitality - "Budding" (7250 souls)


Duplicates the passive effect of the selected item by:

12(15) sec.- for t1 items
8(6) sec.- for t2
6 (4) sec.- for t3
2.2 (3?) sec.- for t4

All passive effects with cooldown >1.5 sec. are now equal to 1.5 sec. for the duration of the item
(also if the item selected for copying has an active ability budding can be used for reload item, but not tier 4 items - it llbe awful)

<this is all only during item activity>
Max frequency->half of current;
proc chance -> double (or 1.5)
buildup per shot -> double ( or 1.5);
effect per stack -> double
( all these for items with stacking or similar. Bcs short duration for doing something with t4 t3)
Exem: when active, double proc ch if item already has one (lucky shot 35% -> 70% for 3 sec)

Choose only 1 item when buying Budding. (If no items -> ur choose 1 after first active using Bd)

It could be craft from "healing booster":
same passive
+ (6-10) health regen
+(10-15)% ability duration
+(2-3)m/s Sprint Speed

40-45 sec. (mb 50-65) base reload
2x its 77%+18% T3 passive = 95% add w.dmg total for 2-3 sec. +- balance for 7250+6000=13250 souls i guess. (its still 38+18 = 56% with only lucky shoot). Glass cannon gives 88% and more w.dmg in total. When compared with Budding 95-56=39% isnt strong. (it gives more slowing from LS than dmg)