Support Hero Proposal: Wololo (The Soul Magus)


New member
Wololo: The Soul Magus
Wololo is a hero designed to expand the roster of trooper-oriented support heroes (which is currently just McGinnis, as other support heroes are more hero support oriented). This hero is designed to directly interact with troopers, playing a more direct role in pushing and defending lanes, rather than direct combat with other players.

Wololo is best employed exploiting undefended lanes, quickly being able to change the tide of troopers against the opponent. He can also be useful creating a volume of reinforcing fire when a large number of heroes congregate on one contested battlefield. On the other hand, this character is weak in one-on-one fights, lacking the firepower to face off directly with opponents (particularly when not aided by troopers), and the agility to get away if things get tough.

I decided to avoid concrete numerical values, since I am more of a balance-through-testing kind of guy.
My guess is that a good template for starting stats would be:
  • Weapon stats of Pocket
  • Vitality of McGinnis

  • Turn: Enemy troopers within a certain radius switch sides.
    • Size of the turn radius grows with each upgrade.
  • Empower: Upgrades nearby troopers to a tougher version.
    • The number of troopers upgraded at once grows with each upgrade of the ability.
  • Concentrate Attack: For X seconds, all nearby minions will shoot at the same point that the player shoots at, allowing for a concentrated volley that can be used to gain the upper hand in hero-to-hero combat. Troopers will also attempt to follow the hero to the best of their pathfinding.
    • Each upgrade of the ability increases length, damage, and projectile speed of troopers affected.
  • Loyalty: For X seconds, damage incurred is spread between the player and nearby troopers
    • Each upgrade tweaks the percentage in favour of the player, duration is also slightly increased.

Passive Bonuses
  • Increased health gained from medic troopers
  • Trooper kills within a certain radius are attributed to him (you gain souls if troopers near you kill other troopers, or a player).

Main Weapon
A revolver with a crystal ball for a chamber/cylinder.
Since this is meant to be a support class that gains its strength from using minions, this weapon is powerful but slow firing, making it for a good deterrent/defensive weapon but otherwise outclassed by the arsenal of most other heroes.

Visual Design & Hero Flavour Text
Young adult, black, dresses with a classic purple wizard robe and hat. Has a modern/hipster hairstyle. A grenadier belt fielding small books and notepads.
Speaks in a gentle voice devoid of aggressiveness but with a hint of stranger danger creepiness. Ability-related voice lines have the character speak to troopers in a motherly tone.

Flavour Text: William Wolovitch was a psychotherapist in Brooklyn with an uncanny knack for peering into the deepest crevices of the soul. Overbearingly caring about the welfare of others, William is unconcerned with receiving consent before attempting treatment, he's seen the deepest fears and desires of people, they can't possibly be entrusted to make the right decision and seek his help before it's too late, only he can save their tormented souls from themselves. Seemingly convinced that physical bodies are the root cause of all sufferings of the soul, William came to the conclusion that monopolizing the power of the ritual could allow him to release all from their shell and into a more pure existence. Of course, the Patron is already aware of his schemes, in the end, perhaps it is his soul that is being manipulated?