[Hero] Soul Digger


Soul Digger:
(Undead prospector)

Weapon - Ore Cannon (Shoot chunks of ore at the enemy) Low Ammo, Moderate Fire Rate, High Damage, Slow Reload.

Sticky Fingers: Rips the target enemy hero's weapon out of their hands, disarming them for 4s. You shoot with their weapon for their normal damage/effects instead of your ore cannon while the disarm lasts.
3 Meter Range, 20s CD.
LvL 1: +25% Stolen weapon damage.
LvL 2: +1s Duration
LvL 5: -5s CD.

Mining Charge: Plant an explosive charge on the target ground/wall, which turns invisible after 1s, and lasts 120s. When an enemy comes within 10 meters of the charge, it turns visible and explodes 1s later, dealing 120 damage in a 15 meter radius. The charge instantly detonates if hit by an attack, adding that attack's damage to the explosion damage.
3 Meter Range, 15s CD.
LvL 1: +6 Meter explosion radius.
LvL 2: -0.5s Invisibility delay.
LvL 5: +60s Charge duration.

Soul Rush: Can be toggled between melee or ranged passive bonuses:
Melee Soul Rush grants 10% of your current Souls as bonus melee damage, and melee attacks to mine 5 Souls out of struck walls.
Ranged Soul Rush increases your attack speed by 40%, and causes each shot you make to consume 1 Soul instead of ammo.
0s CD.
LvL 1: +5 Souls Per Melee Hit.
LvL 2: 25% Chance not to consume a Soul per bullet.
LvL 5: Melee attacks hit all enemies in a 3 meter radius in front of you.

Rock Hard: Covers you or the target ally hero in a layer of rock, granting +50% status resistance and spirit resistance while it lasts. The rock armor completely absorbs the next 30 bullet attacks the target receives (Visually breaking apart as it's consumed) and ends once depleted.
20 Meter Range, 75s CD.
LvL 1: +25% Melee damage while armor lasts.
LvL 2: +15 Bullet attacks absorbed.
LvL 5: 2 Charges.
The 3 reminds me of the gambler, and not in a good way. Giving free extra souls by spamming melee, then turning that into bonus damage seems like it'd quickly get out of control. Especially since base melee damage is 63, by the time you get to 500 souls you've already almost doubled your base damage and a charged melee would remove half your opponent's health in one go.
Ya I was thinking of Gambler when I was making the hero. The numbers are way too high for sure, thinking 1-2 on hit and +2-5% bonus damage from souls, and a 50% chance to consume a soul per shot instead of 100% would be more fair.
Sticky Fingers ability seems interesting, but a 5s disarm is way too long. This can be increased to almost 7 second with items, not a good idea.

Mining Charge is interesting. I do want a ''Mine'' like ability in the game for strategic gameplay. But in this example its probably best to make the charge make a little sound and become visable 1 second before it explodes. That way there is somewhat of a counter play against it. Otherwise it becomes a League of Legends Teemo character that everyone hates to play against. A 20m radius is probably too big, since it can be increased by ~50% from items. Otherwise a good concept that fits the character style.

Soul Rush, not a fan of this one. Getting souls for not playing the game objectives is not something i want to see in the game. Spending souls while shooting just as little.

Ultimate should probably be called something different. Most people would know what i mean by that. Having it be a counter against bullets rather than damage is interesting. But its also balanced out by 50% resistance. This would be a great ability if it has a limited duration along side the breaking on bullet fire. Otherwise characters that have slow firing weapons will never be able to counter this.

Overall some good ideas.
I think maybe the 3 could be some kind of attack, and if it kills a unit you get bonus souls, then when it hits the 2 you get bonus souls for everything it kills. Kinda like how Gankplank from league works, where his gun gives him extra gold and a bonus currency for last hitting, then combos with barrels to make aoe explosions that accelerate his farming and let him use the bonus currency to upgrade his ultimate.