Bones: The Gravedigger [Bruiser/Necromancer]


New member
Bones was a simple cemetery caretaker when the First Maelstrom hit. An occult ritual meant to raise an army of the dead caused corpses to rise from their graves, unfortunately for Bones, he was digging a fresh grave when the bodies began to animate. The newly minted undead rushed at Bones and tore away at his flesh, when he could take no more he fell into the grave he had been digging. Strangely he too began to rise from his own grave, caught between life and death as the ritual came to a close. Even more strange was that he found himself with the power to control the very undead that ripped at his flesh. Now bones wanders the land, searching for those responsible for the ritual, and anyone who gets in his way will be put Six Feet Under.

Primary Fire: "Bones" uses the bones in his hand as bullets, low fire rate with the option to alt fire as a shotgun for the cost of 5 ammo. Reloads 1 bullet at a time and can fire at any point during a reload as long as you have ammo, similar to Abrams.

Ability Upgrades:

1. Start Digging
- T1 Reduced cooldown
- T2 Now heals for a portion of the damage dealt
- T3 Increased lunge distance and cone size

2. Graveyard
- T1 Better slow
- T2 Enemies who stay in the graveyard for too long are now rooted by skeletal hands
- T3 Enemies in the graveyard cannot use movement abilities or items

3. Grave Robbing
- T1 Undead Troopers will now jump at enemies affected by Graveyard
- T2 +1 charge and Summons an additional Undead Trooper
- T3 Undead Troopers stats now scale with the amount of souls you have denied during the game

4. Six Feet Under
- T1 Undead Troopers now benefit from the damage reduction of Six Feet Under
- T2 Longer Duration
- T3 Damage resist now scales with the amount of soul orbs you've last hit this game

The basic idea of this character was to make some sort of necromancer character that isn't just a "sit back and let your minions do the work for you" type (Although you could build him that way if you wanted) and would scale with the amount of soul orbs you secure throughout a game. He's meant to focus heavily on denying/securing souls in the lane phase to ensure your Undead troopers are strong in the mid-late game, allowing you to either push lanes very quickly or sustain fights with your team.