stuck at pregame area / teleporter


New member
Got disconnected during the start of game and was stuck at pregame area when i reconnected. I jumped off that building and was stuck inside teleporter until the teleporters opened at 10min

match id 10873847


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It´s also happened to me, got dced for a minutes. When i´m back, got stuck in pre-game and jumped off, another stuck inside teleporter. Luckily we won xD :)


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Another report of this bug - spawned in start area, jumped off side to try and reach map as Dev console Suicide didn't work, and then stuck inside a closed TP while game went on. TPs should be lethal inside until opened?
I also just had this occur. Game crashed during match start, rejoined and was in the pre-game area. Leapt off the ledge and fell onto the map in the yellow mid-lane teleporter.
26453795 same thing happened.

Shoutout to the Mirage in that game who refused to kill me so he could get an advantage... Hope your life is fulfilling!
Same thing happened. I left the game right after count down and when I came back I spawn there, then I walk and it TP'ed me to the yellow lane.
This also just happened to me, Match ID: 26602316

At about 7 1/2 minutes my teammate Ivy was able to connect & fly me out while teleport booth doors still locked.
Just happened here, match ID: 27413767

I think the issue happened bc my game lost connection for some reason, though also I think it got paused by someone as well.
Fortunately someone on the other team was able to shoot some part of my model that was through the doors.
This just happened during match ID: 28835342
You end up stuck in the teleport booth, Our infernus got stuck
same here:
Match ID: 30558595
as yamato
got kicked out the match right at the beginning. i wanted to watch a match to bridge que time and sadly it connected when my game startet. After rejoining i got stuck in spawn area, jumped of the building and sadly spawned in the closed teleporter xD.

dynamo the legend got me out there. Wasnt able to use the "kill" option. idk why.