Streamer dies, leaves game and immediately queues for another game. All while streaming.

I think you dont speak for everyone and you can move along to COD

Do you not understand that in nearly ALL pre-moba and pre-mma games, they generally play to the end because they play for fun. Not for the grind. Not for ranks. No class systems. It was anything goes, and we have fun. Before 2010s, it's a rare thing for a person to quit a game. Now, it's normal.

Is this fun? No. It is not fun.
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Many players would quit games every time they weren't assigned their preferred hero.

Congrats, you literally hit a home run. The game is ruined by that because the entire hero shooter / moba is center around picking "specialized" choices. These specialized choices leads to poor results in games. Nobody gets to play what they want, and now they have to wait for 60 seconds respawn timer because the game punishes you regardless of your options. This is why supports gets the blame every game. This is why carry gets blame every game. This is why gankers gets blame every game.

It's a death cycle. Only way out of it is to cut that off. Give players the freedom of choice. And they shouldn't be punished by feeding.

That's the crux of this whole game and all other mobas. The feeding is the central theme of the game. The more you feed, the more you lose. There is no comeback period. Any sane person who played moba within 10 minute window can tell the game is over. But hey moba is all about beating the dead horse. So go ahead and enjoy wasting time and realized you lost the game. That one dude who told you that it was already over at 10 minute mark, well he is more than right. But but but... I had muh moments when we won... Yeah, you literally cheezed to 1 hour game and by some miracle, you won. That is 1 out of what... 100 games? Psh, Get out of here.
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Of course it's a Russian. Icing on the cake. I have encountered a total of 4 hackers so far, and 3 of them were sporting names written in cyrillic. Deadlock truly is the new Dota.
Congrats, you literally hit a home run. The game is ruined by that because the entire hero shooter / moba is center around picking "specialized" choices. These specialized choices leads to poor results in games. Nobody gets to play what they want, and now they have to wait for 60 seconds respawn timer because the game punishes you regardless of your options. This is why supports gets the blame every game. This is why carry gets blame every game. This is why gankers gets blame every game.

It's a death cycle. Only way out of it is to cut that off. Give players the freedom of choice. And they shouldn't be punished by feeding.

That's the crux of this whole game and all other mobas. The feeding is the central theme of the game. The more you feed, the more you lose. There is no comeback period. Any sane person who played moba within 10 minute window can tell the game is over. But hey moba is all about beating the dead horse. So go ahead and enjoy wasting time and realized you lost the game. That one dude who told you that it was already over at 10 minute mark, well he is more than right. But but but... I had muh moments when we won... Yeah, you literally cheezed to 1 hour game and by some miracle, you won. That is 1 out of what... 100 games? Psh, Get out of here.

Sir, This Is A Wendy's
Congrats, you literally hit a home run. The game is ruined by that because the entire hero shooter / moba is center around picking "specialized" choices. These specialized choices leads to poor results in games. Nobody gets to play what they want, and now they have to wait for 60 seconds respawn timer because the game punishes you regardless of your options. This is why supports gets the blame every game. This is why carry gets blame every game. This is why gankers gets blame every game.

It's a death cycle. Only way out of it is to cut that off. Give players the freedom of choice. And they shouldn't be punished by feeding.

That's the crux of this whole game and all other mobas. The feeding is the central theme of the game. The more you feed, the more you lose. There is no comeback period. Any sane person who played moba within 10 minute window can tell the game is over. But hey moba is all about beating the dead horse. So go ahead and enjoy wasting time and realized you lost the game. That one dude who told you that it was already over at 10 minute mark, well he is more than right. But but but... I had muh moments when we won... Yeah, you literally cheezed to 1 hour game and by some miracle, you won. That is 1 out of what... 100 games? Psh, Get out of here.
These games and professional tournaments in them have existed in highly popular forms for give or take 20 years at this point. Have you considered that your view of things is maybe just—well—incorrect and not at all how the vast majority of players experience these games?
Any sane person who played moba within 10 minute window can tell the game is over.
Comebacks happen all the time as long as your team doesn't 'give up' like is so common when people decide they've lost at 10 minutes and just stop trying at all. Literally happens all the time, here's my last game (9497244) where our talon was saying gg go next at 10 minutes but we ignored the person and just kept playing only to pull it back for a win at 34 minutes (not an hour). My team is Sapphire flame and we won despite Amber Hand having twice our kills all game. We didn't even get the lane guardians until after 20 minutes. comeback games.JPG

The feeling of winning this comeback was worth more than all the easy stomps combined. Giving up is easier on fragile player egos than trying and still losing because at least if you give up you can say it wasn't really your fault because you didn't try. Surrender option is there for people who don't like trying, they just like winning.
As far as playing your favorite selected hero goes, it's an alpha playtest - not ranked mmr grind, you should use the games where you don't get your favorite hero to practice new things, new builds, moba skills. Stop taking it so seriously and try to lighten up.
Do you not understand that in nearly ALL pre-moba and pre-mma games, they generally play to the end because they play for fun. Not for the grind. Not for ranks. No class systems. It was anything goes, and we have fun. Before 2010s, it's a rare thing for a person to quit a game. Now, it's normal.

Is this fun? No. It is not fun.
The playerbase of MOBAs like League of Legends don't understand the concept of fun.
People complaining about the genre this game exists in is WILD. If the game isn't fun for you its really simple, DON'T PLAY. You don't like MOBAs, then don't play MOBAs.
This shouldn't be a MOBA, this should be a hero shooter. MOBAs are the worst, I tried League, too hard and toxic. I tried DOTA, too boring and slow. I don't want a MOBA. I want Valve to make something that isn't Counter-Strike or DOTA, or a DOTA reskin.
Specifically to this clip, its funny bc he way over extended and completely died bc it was his fault and then rage qu

Broadly speaking, its so easy to leave and requeu, but theres no system to fix this for the players left behind. Its a real problem. You cant vote to end like LoL, AI doesn't pick them up like HoTs, and theres no backfill like overwatch.

Personally I hate seeing games end over one persons attitude, I dont see why there cant be a backfill system.
If people leave, it's the fault of the game design. More proof that nobody wants to wait 60 seconds death queue. Nobody wants to farm for 15 minutes to get good stuff then not able to play after death.

Bro clearly knows how moba work.
You shouldn't be banned for leaving non-competitive games, that's pretty ridiculous.
If you mean unranked, its still a game you are ruining for other people ofc. you have to be punished.

Personally I dont see, why I have to suffer or get a lose, only because someone has a bad lane.
Never played League, but I heard that people abbandon / give up games min 20 if they are behind, thats kinda would ruin most (winable) deadlock / Dota games.

If you are a reason why other people have a bad experiance, you should get punished, same goes with toxicity and griefing. All this things fall under the same bigger thing, ruining games for others.