Streamer dies, leaves game and immediately queues for another game. All while streaming.

Leaving a game with no time-out penalty is wild. If you bail on a match, take a valve specialty 45 minute break, with incrementing penalties. Also heard a rumor about low priority akin to dota being worked on.
Those penalties do happen in deadlock, but there's some sort of bug if you quit and queue immediately it doesnt apply. It's a bug somehow.
Then it should probably go in the bug section of the forum, but still, good to know.
I did make one there, still not fixed though. Feel free to bump my thread so they see it. I made this thread after having a guy leave 4 times in a row without punishment lol. All while he was taunting about it. He was a menace
You shouldn't be banned for leaving non-competitive games, that's pretty ridiculous.
who decides it's non competitive? I had my team whining about losing and wishing they could leave and then we won easily once I told them we just need to group up. People are not good at evaluating if they're actually losing

if youre saying you should be able to leave whenever you want then almost no game would ever be played to completion, leaving ruins games more than anything else