Soul Orb firework item.


New member
An item that makes soul orbs more difficult to hit When killing the creeps
Maybe it could have two different upgrades.
The first item. would just speed up. soul orbs when they come out make them more difficult to hit or deny (Maybe give it a different pattern instead of just curving off the side and going straight up Possibly a zigzag or a spiral)
The second upgrade would make them last longer. Have a bigger orb. and move much, much faster. so that they fly up into the air and explode like a firework. Whenever you kill a creep.
This would help newer players to keep them from fighting a different player that has god like aim and denies all of their Souls in the early game While still Making it possible for players. who can deal with the item to hit it.
I really don't think that kind of item has any chance of being useful...

Yea, maybe newer player, but then it just creates artificial barrier for them to overcome (+ it would be always unoptimal to buy that item, even if it was only 500 souls). Meanwhile more skilled players 100% won't have issues shooting the soul orb, even at higher speed.
I like the idea of making souls harder to hit if its for both sides of the lane, but i dont think its a good idea in the current game balance.
If a player is getting their souls denied, there are all kinds of ways to get a steady flow of souls that dont depend on lane farming that can balance the difference out a lot. Not to mention that a lot of the good items are tier 2 items, and the bonus Damage/Health/Spirit you get for buying items is the highest percentage to cost ratio for cheap items. Meaning the game already has balanced a lot of this out in the current system, and its more a matter for learning the game.