Soul Hoarder (Ammo Scavenger Orange Upgrade)


Active member
Soul Hoarder uses Ammo Scavenger as a Component. It's designed to be both an early laning tool and a late gunspike tool. It modifies the AS passive to build stacks of weapon damage, while now providing a flat 10 Spirit power and 120 spirit shield so that it remains valuable for spirit builds as an upgrade. It provides more ammo back per soul to offset the removal of "+20% ammo" from AS. The addition of "10% CDR" is to provide it more general lategame value as a tier two.

Components: Ammo Scavenger (500)
Soul Hoarder (1750)
+120 Spirit Shield
+10 Spirit Power​
Any time you secure or deny a soul from an entity you get ammo back and gain stacking weapon damage. At max stacks, gain bonus Sprint speed and Cooldown reduction​
  • +4 Ammo Per Soul
  • +1% Weapon Damage Per Soul
  • 24 Max Stacks
Active (30s)
Automatically secures all souls within 20m for 6s. Each soul secured this way gains double passive stacks and provides double the associated soul benefits.​
  • +2 Sprint Speed (at max stacks)
  • +10% Cooldown Reduction (at Max Stacks)

There are currently no orange items with CDR other than Spiritual Overflow (6200), which would give Soul Hoarder distinct value even outside of gun builds. There are also no mid-tier orange items with spirit shield, and there are very limited options regarding orange items with decent spirit power. And there is currently only one tier two orange active (fleetfoot). All this to say, Soul Hoarder would fill a very specific niche as a mid-tier orange item that synergizes with purple builds while also staying useful on gunbuilds.

Its active effect provides the unique benefit of reliably confirming all souls in a wave (or at an objective). It also gives the player a means of more quickly reaching max stacks, which gives it more value as a late-game item especially for cleaning up minion waves in the user's own base.
This active will NOT automatically deny souls, it only secures them.
There's already a fair few gun items that synergize quite well with purple builds. Ammo scav is already a niche item, some patches being only built by Haze. Adding in another niche item that even the poster child of ammo scav would never build seems a little pointless.

I don't think cooldown reduction should be easily accessible.
I think this item doesn't have much use outside of the landing phase, and a 1750 commitment to gain an advantage shooting orbs isn't something many people would take. I think the cooldown is the main reason people would get this, which I don't think means it should be implemented. I think the advancement of Ammo Scavenger should go in a totally different direction, turning orbs you shoot into bombs!

Though I should say, excellent formatting!
This feels like overcomplicating a simple idea. While I agree it sounds interesting on paper, it wouldn't be used efficiently in 99.9% of games, if it's even built at all. First, you're setting yourself back 1750 souls from core items to gain a total (if fully stacked) of 24% bullet damage, 10 spirit power, 120 spirit shield, 10% cooldown reduction, and some sprint speed. I'll set the sprint speed aside, as its value is hard to determine due to too many variables. If we look at Hollowpoint Ward, it gives 22% weapon damage, 95 spirit shield, and 4 spirit power—all for a 500-soul item. For 1250 souls less, we're getting most of the stats we need. And if we really need cooldown reduction that badly and are assumed to be a bullet user (since this is a bullet item), we can spend 1250 remaining souls on Improved Cooldown for 14% CDR, 100 more spirit shield, additional ammo, and more spirit power. Plus, if we aren't a bullet user, this just seems like an item that might be abused as a cheap source of CDR for ability-spamming characters. Such as bebop to spam hooks.
While I like the idea, I would change the amount of Ammo restored per secured soul from a static amount to a static base of 2 + a Percentage of Ammo capacity (something like 3% probably).

This makes it so that even heroes who normally wouldn't consider Ammo Scavenger might consider this due to the upgrade path, as there are a number of heroes who just don't even look at Ammo scavenger as 2 or even 4 rounds is just insignificant (I'm looking at heroes like Mcginnis or Wraith.)
While I like the idea, I would change the amount of Ammo restored per secured soul from a static amount to a static base of 2 + a Percentage of Ammo capacity (something like 3% probably).

This makes it so that even heroes who normally wouldn't consider Ammo Scavenger might consider this due to the upgrade path, as there are a number of heroes who just don't even look at Ammo scavenger as 2 or even 4 rounds is just insignificant (I'm looking at heroes like Mcginnis or Wraith.)
The last thing either of those heroes need is more bullets to their already endless magazines.
The last thing either of those heroes need is more bullets to their already endless magazines.
I think it would serve as an interesting alternative to things like Quicksilver Rounds, Melee Charge or Rapid Reload (or whatever the thing that lets you finish a reload early). It doesn't give a full mag, but could offer an alternative for extending/reloading. You only have so many weapon slots, after all. It might serve as an interesting thing to build into early