Skeleton Barbershop Quartet


New member
Appearance: A skeleton wearing a boater hat. No further detailing than that. Speaks like a 1920's swing musician.

Lore: An ancient Mesopotamian skeleton who woke up in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. With the ability to resurrect the dead he has created a roaming band of musicians and con artists in the New York area.

Basic Idea: He has an extremely powerful utility ult, but is fairly squishy. The rest of his kit allows him to create confusion about where he is and whether or not he is dead.

A fairly standard automatic weapon. Nothing unique really needs to be here for the idea to work, so long as the gun cant be turned into a cannon.

Ability 1: Decoy Skeleton
His repeatable ability allows him to create a near exact clone of himself. This clone acts like a bot. It cannot cast abilities or use items. It mirrors the stats of the original skeleton, but deal less damage and die when their health reaches 30% instead of 0%. All decoy skeletons appear like the real skeleton on the map. Decoy skeletons drop only a few souls, like McGinnis turrets. They are valid for any hero casting ability, but do not count towards stacking abilities like Bebops bomb.

Ability 2: Fake Death
Functions akin to the dead ringer in team fortress 2. While active, if the enemy deals a certain % of your health bar you will disappear, looking like you have died. You then have a short period of invincibility and a longer period of invisibility where you can fall back. You will drop the number of souls that decoy skeletons drop when this is activated.

Ability 3: AOE Burst
Lets say you convince someone that you are a decoy and they're overconfident, this lets you punish them. Releases an aoe around the player that knocks enemies back and applies vulnerabilities.

Ultimate: Resurrection
The big one. With a long cooldown and cast time, you are able to revive a dead teammate. This works like soul rebirth, so they will have a % of their health bar. They can also refuse a revive if they want, which refunds the ult. This is why the rest of your kit revolves around sowing confusion, you want to keep yourself alive because you are gonna be priority target #1.