Shark/Whaler inspired drain tank with ranged/melee toggle [WIP]


New member


Visual characteristics.

Sex: M

Age: 46

Head: Square, teeth like a shark

Torso: Trapizoid

Arms/Legs: Logs, one arm with a "I ❤️ mom & sharks" tattoo with a shark wrapped around the back, head holding a ribbon that says "& sharks", and tail hugging the heart from behind.

Ethnicity: White

Scars & wounds: Lots of overlapping scars from fragmentation and fire covering his hands up to his wrists

Hight/Length/Sizes: 7' 2” upright, slight hunchback so hes around 6' 8"

Malformed body~parts: Plaid Complexion, Underbite, log-like limbs, slight hunchback from stooping over in ships and crowded alleyways.

Missing bodyparts: Both Pinkies, Part of his left ring finger, eyepatch.



Helmet: Goon Flopcap

Chest piece: White and blue stripped shirt with black leather jacket

Arm piece: Golden wristwatch from his father. the hands are stuck at 3:47 am, the time of his death.

Legs: black cotton pants

Weapon~s: 4 barrel side-by-side harpoon gun, Two-Handed "Whale Hammer" wrapped in spiked fishnet, homemade grenades filled with nails, Molotov you can use as a heal by drinking it instead.

Boots: Military standard issue boots, stolen

In battle:

In events:


Preferred equipment.

Preferred weapon in battles:

Preferred accessories: Newsboy flopcap, his watch,





History: Hired meat doing dirty work around the docks, died during a botched explosive set up to blow a hole in a competitor's ship.

Role: Bruser, Frontline, Initiator


What kind of climate he/she enjoy: Bitter Cold, Arborial Tundras, Sea Air.

What kind of climate he/she dislike: Deserts, extreme heat.

Organization/Group/Sect/Religion/Clan he/she are involved with: Organized crime

Hobbies: Tinkering with his car, guns, and explosives, making moonshine, watching sharks in the bay, cooking foreign foods he hears about on the dock for his parents.

Philosophy: With a small bomb and a big personality, you can bullshit your way through anything.

Favorite phrase: “Around here, some people speak with gunpowder. Some with a home-cooked meal. Only difference is my barrel isn't lying to you.”

Trauma: Nearly drowned after falling through a frozen lake when his mother took him ice skating, is terrified of fish.


Year: 1897

Month: July

Day: 21





People he/she dislikes/hates: Upper Class Socialites, cops

People he/she likes/in love with: His mom and Dad, his old drinking buddies from the dock

Family: Mother & Father, supported them with his "job" (he never let them know what he was getting up too, didn't want to disappoint them)

Big burly Danish sailor guy built like a brick, loves explosives, tinkering, the ocean, boating

Ability 1: Swap between your 4 shot incendiary harpoon pod and your trusty barbed-net-wrapped whale club after a short time. Harpoons are projectiles with an arc that stick into foes and the environment, eventually exploding into a small burst of fire that ignites all targets nearby, including yourself. Self-Immolating increases your reload speed and melee damage while you are on fire, applying burning to foes who are bleeding slows their move speed and reduces their. Melee attacking stabs your target with the harpoons like bayonets. Swapping to your hammer, your primary attack becomes a slow, heavy-hitting, swing-radius limited cleave attack that has a x% chance to apply a bleed, missing can bleed you instead. Hemmoraging increases your attack speed and movespeed while bleeding, taking damage refreshes the duration. applying bleeding foes who are burning slows their attack speed. Toggle. 0 cd
"mmm, is that you cooking or me?"

Ability 2: Jug of mom's homemade moonshine, able to burn even underwater. Burning reduces enemy melee attack damage, your attacks re-apply burn. If wielding your whale hammer, the explosion is centered on you as you spike it at your feet. 30 cd
"momma used to make me burn her booze for people to show its quality, ended up blowing up a house one time when I went to go grab something. Gave me some ideas"

Ability 3: Pounce forward and stuff your barrels into a foe, goring them on your harpoons before firing all remaining barrels in a line, applying a bleed to yourself and all targets hit. targets hit leave a bloodtrail only you can smell that lingers for 5 seconds. If you are holding your hammer, instead pounce and club them like whales, dealing weapon damage plus a bonus, and burning in a circle aoe centered on you. 30 cd
"You cant kill a whale unless you are willing to take the dive"

Ability 4: Homemade dutch oven bomb filled with rusty hardware, ship tar, gunpowder, and leftover cooking oil. Thrown a distance, it causes an explosion that bleeds and ignites, covering the bleeding wounds of your foes in flaming tar in a ~mystic flair size aoe. If holding your hammer, you grab the bomb and charge forward, holding it high and laughing maniacally (heard globally) with a speed boost, shoving past enemies until you either press it again or after x seconds, after which you spike it on the ground where you stand. 90 cd
"Long trips at sea give you plenty of time to think, tinker. Momma always said I was good at that. A few missing spares here, some loose bullets there, throw in a few favors to the kitchen for good measure, and you can cook-up a pot to make any captan sweat"