Shadow Wizard Money Gang- (Updated concept art)

visual design is great. Wizard with a Gun goes hard with Deadlock setting. The ability design is not fledged out though. Needs more identity and flow through combination of abilities.
Lets do a variation on your idea and take inspiration from floating heroes like Grey Talon and Vindicta. We could also add that he is a very prideful wizard, who likes to look down on people, because nobody takes him serious.

1. Fly By (Inspired by Drive-By and him being a gangster wizard of sorts)
Can fly on button press but doesn't shoot into the air like Grey Talon and Vindicta. Instead, wizard has more control over vertical acceleration and can also navigate tight spaces for a dual potential or to chase heroes with high mobility.

2. Taser
A close to medium-range point and click ability (similar to Lady Geist 2) that attaches to enemies, slows them and damages them slightly. If wizard can stay close to enemies for a set duration after attaching the taser, they will be stunned. Combines well with Fly-By's chasing potential. Can be upgraded so it can be attached to multiple enemies in sight and range (Like Lash 3).

3. Mana-Tov
Throw fire bombs (up to three charges, after levelling this ability) that create a lingering effect on the surface, burning enemies and applying healding reduction. Wizard's damage is amplified against burning targets. Can be used while mid-air and to deny spaces, like inside Veil bunkers -> Forces enemies to move.

4. Grounded
Effecting the area around the wizard, activates after a sight channel time: All enemy heroes within are Grounded for a set time -> Cannot dash or jump, and enemies mid-air are pushed down to the ground, being stunned for a second. Wizard can use this opportunity to turn the ground beneath the grounded enemies into fair with Mana-Tov and taser them, without limited escape potential.

Regarding the basic attack, I am not sure whether you would like him to have an AK-47 or a small wand, maybe a mix of the two. :D You really nailed it with the visual design. I can see a prideful wizard, small and old, funny-looking, so nobody can take him seriously. Quick to get annoyed and use force against those who look down on him.
In a city full of occult magic it seems likely you'd get scammers
some of his voicelines are just gaslighting and he immediately falls apart under the slightest scrutiny, but he's too busy being the greatest wizard alive and living up to his ego to change for the better.
Gets Spirit Armor -> "Not like I need this, magic would never turn against me."
Gets Improved Spirit Armor -> "Don't look at me."
some of his voicelines are just gaslighting and he immediately falls apart under the slightest scrutiny, but he's too busy being the greatest wizard alive and living up to his ego to change for the better.
Gets Spirit Armor -> "Not like I need this, magic would never turn against me."
Gets Improved Spirit Armor -> "Don't look at me."
something like this yeah, bragging about his arcane gifts while strapped