Seven ulting Grey Talon without vision


New member
Today I was playing Grey Talon against Seven. I hid behind the corner when he started ulting (I was in the range, but not in the line of sight for him) and used my Owl to try to interrupt his ultimate. When I flew into his Field of vision, I started getting damage, which also killed me.

I would expect this being a bug as Seven doesn't have a field of vision on me at the end and according to the "Incoming Damage" it was his ultimate what killed me.

The game ID was: 25805822, if it helps.
View attachment Deadlock 2024-10-31 21-10-05.mp4
there is a bunch of weirdness with grey talons owl. im kind of starting to think that grey talons hit box/collision box becomes a part of the owl. as grey talon becomes partially intangible to a lot of abilitys when he uses owl