Roll Dodges Heavy Melee / Jittery Punch Visuals


Active member
In normal scenarios when you heavy melee a person rolling you follow them and it damages them. At seemingly random, this instead causes the punch to miss despite visuals displaying impacts and your model being next to their model throughout the entire punch.

The included video showcases first the intended behavior first with Lash and then shows the bugged behavior with Yamato.

Another thing you will notice watching this clip is how heavy melee's visuals appear jittery and will repeatedly show impact shockwaves despite not landing yet. This only happens when heavy meleeing a rolling target.


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In normal scenarios when you heavy melee a person rolling you follow them and it damages them. At seemingly random, this instead causes the punch to miss despite visuals displaying impacts and your model being next to their model throughout the entire punch.

The included video showcases first the intended behavior first with Lash and then shows the bugged behavior with Yamato.

Another thing you will notice watching this clip is how heavy melee's visuals appear jittery and will repeatedly show impact shockwaves despite not landing yet. This only happens when heavy meleeing a rolling target.
I'm not sure but I think its due to bad timing.
have you tried repeating this several times? because as I understand it, you did not use the ingame function that simulates the actions you specified and just used your friend
I'm not sure but I think its due to bad timing.
have you tried repeating this several times? because as I understand it, you did not use the ingame function that simulates the actions you specified and just used your friend
It could be. It’s happened frequently in real games and the main annoying part I wanted to showcase is the disorienting visuals and sound effects. I actually have no clue what could cause this tbh.