Core Design Pillars:
- Keeping her previous abilities around but changed a bit to fit
- Incorporating her lore/motivation a bit into her kit
Bear in mind: The stats/balancing will not be perfect, so focus on the functionality, playstyle and concepts, not the numbers.
Weapon is unchanged.Abilities:
Powder Keg [1]
Cooldown: 30 secondsRoll an explosive barrel towards the target area. The barrel explodes on impact with an enemy or wall, or when hit by Holliday after a short arming time.
Barrels last 10 seconds and do not explode when expiring naturally.
Rework notes: changed to be a ranged ability instead of melee, to give it some flexibility on its own. Also changed to only be detonatable by Holliday.
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Radius: 6m
Charges: 2
Charge Cooldown: 5s
Damage: 100 (x2.0)
- +1 charges.
- +140 Explosion damage.
- -10 Cooldown. No arm time.
Chase Down [2]
Switch to your shotgun, fully reloading your weapon and changing the next clip to a shorter range but higher damage spread shot for 8 seconds.During this, gain Bullet Resist and Movement Speed, increased by 50% if near an enemy Hero below 50% Health.
Can be cancelled to switch weapons early.
Rework notes: Replaces her Hat Trick (sadly) to give her a shotgun and a self-buff to better allow her to take favorable fights and lend her some consistency, as her previous kit was mainly skillshots and utility.
This is ability is also made to bring her lore motivation of chasing down the Troubadour more into her base kit.
Cooldown: 25 seconds
Bullet resis: 20% (30% when boosted)
Bonus movement speed: 2 m/s (3 m/s when boosted)
“Near” radius: 20m
- Shotgun deals more damage per pellet
- When cast, nearby enemy Heroes below 50% Health are revealed for 8 seconds
- Killing an enemy Hero while the buff is active reduces the cooldown by -5s and heals Holliday.
Spirit Lasso [3]
Throw a lasso that attaches to the first Hero or friendly barrel hit. While attached, Holliday can re-cast to yank the lasso, pulling the attached target towards her.If a Powder Keg is pulled with Spirit Lasso, it is pulled much further and explodes on landing.
If Holliday or her attached target moves too far away, the lasso breaks.
Rework notes: I thought the Spirit Lasso was an awesome ability, but encroached a bit too much on the design space of Mo and Krill and was also just a very rigid and uninteractive ability. It’s now a shorter cooldown and a tool for pulling in enemies like Bebop, or launching powder kegs around for fun ability combos.
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Range: 20m
Pull distance (hero): 10m
Pull distance (powder keg): 20m
Pull angle: slightly above Holliday, pulled targets are lifted slightly above the ground.
- Spirit Lasso Slows the enemy while attached
- Spirit Lasso disables Movement Abilities for 3 seconds on the target after getting pulled.
- Spirit Lasso hits one additional target (It pierces once)
Bounce Pad [4]
Place down a Bounce Pad that affects allies, enemies and powder kegs, launching them into the air.Enemies launched by a bounce pad have their Bullet Resist reduced by 50% while airborne.
If Holliday is launched by her Bounce Pad, she gains a stomp attack upon landing, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
Rework notes: Bounce Pad has had its cooldown increased and moved to the ultimate slot. This was done to make the ability more of a big-moment ability, rather than a regular part of Holliday’s playstyle. This also opens up the room in her base kit to have something more consistently impactful, as Bounce Pad seems like a very utility-focused ability (with the only stats it provides really being the T1-3 upgrades)
I also still don’t think Bounce Pad fits her aesthetic that well, but I kept it in because of how interesting it is as an ability. It can probably have a more Deadlock-y flair to it.
Cooldown: 70s
Radius: 8m
Duration: 22s
Charges: 2
Charge Cooldown: 3.5s
- Your and your allies gain a 4m/s movement speed boost for 4s on landing.
- +100 Stomp Damage with improved scaling.
- +1.25 Stun on Stomp