Revvenant [Tank/Nuker/Disabler]


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Revvenant: Tank/nuker/disabler

Inspired by Gungrave


Revvenant is a reanimated corpse in search for those who killed him. He wears long leather coat riddled with bullet holes and has a metal coffin with large motorcycle engine, exhaust pipes and 2 gun barrels hanging over his shoulder on a thick chain with wires and hoses connecting the coffin to his back.

Weapon: Undertakers - dual-wielded large caliber pistols. Damage 20, 8 ammo per gun(16 shots total before reload), 4.5 bullet per s, 3s base reload


1 - Coffin Rocket: Revvenant grabs coffin into firing position on his shoulder and shoot a rocket which travels in a straight line and deals significant AoE spirit damage to enemies and pushes all characters caught in the explosion, both enemies and friendlies, away form its impact point. Revvenant can use Coffin Rocket to rocket jump or propel friendlies. Takes ~ 0.2s to activate, during which time Revvenant stops if on the ground but can keep his momentum if airborne e.g. mid-jump.

1 charge, gains one more as ability levels up, 5s use cooldown, charge renewal cooldown 18s

2 - Ground Pound: Revvenant slams his coffin into the ground in front of him, dealing spirit damage in a small AoE, stunning all affected enemies for ~0.25s and pushing them back 3-4m. Leveling ability up increases AoE & slightly increases stun duration

Cooldown 25s

3 - Rigor Mortis(passive): As an undead, Revvenant has naturally high bullet resistance which grows as this ability levels up. Additional levels also grant some debuff and stun resistance

4 - Coffin Overdrive: After a 2s channeling, during which Revvenant revs up the engine powering his coffin and grabs it like a minigun, he gains the following buffs while Coffin Overdrive is in effect when it's fully leveled up:
  • Weapon is replaced by Deathspitter, a machine gun built into his coffin, which shares same base damage and RoF stats with his standard weapon but has infinite ammo. Deathspitter can benefit from any weapon items & other applicable weapon buffs Revvenant has
  • At Coffin Overdrive lvl 2: Coffin Rocket refreshes all charges at the start of the Overdrive and has charge use cooldown reduced to 1s. Revvenant can now use it without interrupting basic attack and can move on the ground at half speed while using it
  • At Coffin Overdrive lvl 3: Ground Pound deals Coffin Rocket damage, AoE and pushback while retaining the stun which is now applied for all affected enemies. Using it takes 1 rocket charge with use cooldown shared with Coffin Rocket. If charges are depleted, Ground Pound effects and use cooldown reverts to it's usual state, until new charges will become available
  • At Coffin Overdrive lvl 4: Rigor Mortis also grants health regen, further boosts debuff & stun resistance and allows Revvenant move at full speed while shooting
Coffin Overdrive has 7s base duration.
Undead dude carrying around his own coffin is a strong motif, but an undead dude with akimbo pistols and a coffin gun is literally just Gungrave, and you haven't really made your concept distinct or fully integrated into the Deadlock setting, to the point where Valve could get sued for using it... But they could conceivably do something like this, and there's a lot you can do with a coffin.

Turning his own coffin into an ostentatious rocket launcher is very a stylish idea, but quite a basic ability.

And given that there are already 2 characters in development with rocket launcher abilities that can rocket-jump [Gunslinger and Rutger, try them out in the sandbox], I propose a different gimmick: what if he stores souls in his coffin gun to build up charges / damage?...

My idea: he has one primary weapon gun, but he has a unique secondary fire where he uses his coffin gun to 'suck up' souls; this secondary fire is hitscan, has infinite ammo, but has a tiny delay as he switches to his coffin gun, and it has very low base damage, so he always wants to use his secondary fire for last-hittting souls.

Then he uses his Ability 1 to discharge all of his stacks, could be a big explosion, a bunch of projectiles, or a snipe-y beam [I think that's cooler, for finishing people off].

Re 3: idk if it's balanced to make an artillary character like this so tanky. This is similar to Shiv's third ability, which makes sense for him because he's all close-range damage and has no self-heal or CC.
What if he could hide inside of his coffin and become immune to damage?... Or change this ability entirely, maybe stick someone inside the coffin and they take tick damage based on the number of soul stacks.

The ult could definitely be fun, but personally I find self-buff ults to be a bit anti-climactic, and Deathspitter is a copy of a gungrave ability.
Also, you don't need to create a passive just for scaling bullet-resist, Bebop has this as well, even though there's no tooltip showing it.