T4 Vitality Active Item
+150 Bonus Health
+10 Spirit Power
+ 3 m/s Sprint Speed
Active - Cooldown 150s
Revive a targeted allied hero that died within 1/4 their current respawn timer.
Heal Amount 30% (Target Hero)
4s Channel Duration
10m Cast Range
This is essentially an item meant to act as a potential replacement for the recently removed Soul Rebirth. At the moment there isn't much in terms of T4 support items and this could be a good alternative. It could additionally be balanced by making it take a component such as Healing Nova, Restorative Locket or Rescue Beam. Apologies if an Item like this has been recommended before I did not see anything like it.
+150 Bonus Health
+10 Spirit Power
+ 3 m/s Sprint Speed
Active - Cooldown 150s
Revive a targeted allied hero that died within 1/4 their current respawn timer.
Heal Amount 30% (Target Hero)
4s Channel Duration
10m Cast Range
This is essentially an item meant to act as a potential replacement for the recently removed Soul Rebirth. At the moment there isn't much in terms of T4 support items and this could be a good alternative. It could additionally be balanced by making it take a component such as Healing Nova, Restorative Locket or Rescue Beam. Apologies if an Item like this has been recommended before I did not see anything like it.