Random Bans after completing match


New member
The only reason I leave games are:
  1. More than half of players have left the match (safe to abandon message) - even then i usually stay
  2. Games bugged during team display portion (sometimes theres just a whole missing slot, not d/c icon)
But for some reason, I keep getting random 30m bans after completing matches.
What's going on?
The only reason I leave games are:
  1. More than half of players have left the match (safe to abandon message) - even then i usually stay
  2. Games bugged during team display portion (sometimes theres just a whole missing slot, not d/c icon)
But for some reason, I keep getting random 30m bans after completing matches.
What's going on?
As a note, it can sometimes take a minute for even the "not connected" icon to appear, leaving that empty slot. In those cases, unless it says its safe to leave, don't! I understand that can be confusing. I'm not sure what causes it.
Also ensure the current time and time zone on your PC are correct, just to be safe rather than sorry.

Considering that the replay system is deeply confused about the sequence of some events, the engine could as well be confused about whose local time (the server's or yours) it should be using.