Quickload Magazine/Overload Magazine


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Quickload Magazine [Weapon T1]
+5% weapon damage
-25% reload time
component of Overload Magazine

Overload Magazine [Weapon T3]
+15% weapon damage
-40% reload time
When you complete a normal reload, the last 4 bullets of your magazine gain +100% bonus damage.

Currently, the only direct upgrade to reloading is quicksilver reload. Quicksilver is most powerful on heroes with short-cooldown abilities and large magazines, and naturally synergizes with Titanic Magazine by negating its reload speed penalty. The idea of Quickload and Overload magazine is to provide an alternative ammo solution that doesn't synergize with quicksilver. The bonus damage of Overload Magazine is only effective if you are firing to the end of your magazine and reloading manually, so buying either quicksilver reload or titanic magazine makes it harder to take advantage of. It also naturally favors heroes with small magazines and higher damager-per-shot.

Numbers here are illustrative and probably not balanced well. If these were added, basic magazine would probably have to be renamed to expanded magazine or something along those lines.