Bebop Exploding Uppercut tier 3 perk weird interactions


Unsure if these are intended or bugs.

First, Bebop's Exploding Uppercut does not give 100% ammo bonus to the magazine if your magazine still has ammo left from a previous uppercut bonus. The player needs to reload the magazine before the interaction can take place again.

Second, it only gives you 100% of your BASE magazine. Percentage increases to magazine like Titanic Magazine do not increase the ammo added to the magazine, however FLAT increases (like Frenzy, which I think is the only flat ammo item increase) does. Without Frenzy the maximum bonus added to the magazine is 66 rounds, with Frenzy this increases to 88. This may be intended as giving a player a 400 round magazine seems unbalanced, but the ability tool tip doesn't specify.