Punishment system


New member
For how long i can be banned for leaving a games (for example i left a game and got 1 hour ban, then i played n-amount of games and leave again, i will get 2 hours ban or 30 min?) The system of punishment the same as in DOTA or no?
i am not planning to do, just my internet going bad last 2 days and i would like to know if i played for example 20 games after 1 hour ban and then leave again, my ban streak are nullify or will raise with a 2 hour ban and more and more?
There is no official information on how the timeouts work so like kubilayoezdemir said you will not find a real answer here.
I have seen people be banned for multiple hours, 30 minutes, etc. I suggest not leaving games 🤷‍♂️
I hope leavers just get hardware banned after a certain amount of times. It is really ruining the game when you have a 50/50 shot at getting a leaver on your team.
Just be aware the new punishment system is in addition to the old manual permaban, so you can still be banned forever if you keep disconnecting. Please fix your internet as soon as you can!