Proof that matchmaker is completely broken. Today I played 7 games 6 from them was onesided to one or another team. its 85% of matches are onesided.

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Here is a proof that matchmaker is completely broken.

All this games are played today 5.01.2025
Ritualist rank 550 hours.

Games played in normal operational hours from 14.00 till 23.00 (EU LOBBIES) with average online 20k peoples.

The game number 1 from 5 January (online is around 15k peoples) Ritualist rank

Haze with nickname: bmw enjoer using aimbot.

Lost was unplayable one-sided.


Game 2.
Lost. The matchmaker was absolutely onesided (broken) Look at our team stats 3 players have 5k damage where enemy is 2x or 3x more. COmpletely stomped.


Game 3.

LEaver after 5 death (likely becasue he was placed on wrong lobby) Game lost. Bipop was abusing doublegranades which make huge disbalance on low ranks.
Zero fun .

When Bipoo nerf?



Game 4.

Onesided to our team. Yamato either broken , smurfing or cheating. Enemy got leaver becasue game was unplayable for them.
When Yamato fix with her broken dfamage gun???

Game 5


Completely onesided to enemy team. Now their Yamato cheating/smurfing or just hero completely broken (gun damage need to be fixed)


Game 6

More or less even team, but feels easy becasue looks opponent was weaker.


Game 7


Completely onesided game where my team dont even know what is lines and objectives.

Warden either cheating/smurfing, but maybe just feeded to hell. Look at those networth. Complete stomp.

Non of this games was fun. Maybe only game number 6 could be called normal game, but still it felt like enemiy team was just weaker.

Huge problems on low rank is with Bipop and his double granade abuse.

Also huge problem with cheaters who ususally choose Haze or Vindicta.

Broken Yamato with gun damage

And Warden enormous size cage annoing af.

Matchmaking is very rarely giving some intresting and fun gamnes. as you can see from 7 games i played 6 was onesided. and complete stomp.
I played 550 hours.

The good question to developers.

If i am playing RItualist and want to rank up how I can legaly made it with this matchmaking?

And when matchmaker is completely broken why my lost game resulting in rank lowering.


Either we need to return to hiden MMR and also please cancel penalties for leaving the game, becasue matchmaker is broken and there is a lot of cheaters in the game.

hope thats helps to fix the game.
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Same here... was super worse the last days again. multiple times thrown in a lobby with 1st time players (I asked them in the chat) and got totally stomped. 400+ hours at the moment and no chance to go higher than arcanist/ritualist due to the bad match making at the moment and the annoying cheaters.
BMW enjoyer actually is a cs streamer xD he is known for his great aim.. :D so no mate he isnt cheating at all xD
and btw.. bebop is the only hero with a skill shot. every other hero is point and click adventure xD
bepop needs the most skill.
you should start playing for fun and not for your rank.. just tell your mates they should play debuff remover and youre good to go.

no bomb damage bebob WUHHHUUUUUUU
before you ask.. debuff remover removes the sticky bomb on you!
BTW same for the warden cage.. or you just jump out of the cage range.. dont go into the fight against warden without stamina and youll always escape his cage.
its the most broken item in the game :)

and the best counter for yamato.. jsut buy metal skin. WWUUUHHHHUU but yeah she is op atm.
but dont blame the game if your not good enough.

not everyone who is better is cheating. i am pretty pretty sure you dont find a lot of cheater on low rank.. youll find a lot of smurfers.
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BMW enjoyer actually is a cs streamer xD he is known for his great aim.. :D so no mate he isnt cheating at all xD
and btw.. bebop is the only hero with a skill shot. every other hero is point and click adventure xD
bepop needs the most skill.
you should start playing for fun and not for your rank.. just tell your mates they should play debuff remover and youre good to go.

no bomb damage bebob WUHHHUUUUUUU
before you ask.. debuff remover removes the sticky bomb on you!
BTW same for the warden cage.. or you just jump out of the cage range.. dont go into the fight against warden without stamina and youll always escape his cage.
its the most broken item in the game :)

and the best counter for yamato.. jsut buy metal skin. WWUUUHHHHUU but yeah she is op atm.
but dont blame the game if your not good enough.

not everyone who is better is cheating. i am pretty pretty sure you dont find a lot of cheater on low rank.. youll find a lot of smurfers.
BMW enjoer not even hitting are you talking about.

If he is so PERFECT aim what he is doing in lower rank lobby then.

C mon dude just watch replay and i know what items do i did played 550 hours.
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