Possible bug with Intensifying Magazine?

Is it intentional that no heroes that have right click alt fire can trigger intensifying magazine stacks with the alt fire?
I believe it is, yes, because if I remember correctly (and I could be mistaken) but alt fire usually uses multiple rounds or otherwise behaves differently from the normal ammo. Intensifying magazine applies to the normal gun fire only.
I believe it is, yes, because if I remember correctly (and I could be mistaken) but alt fire usually uses multiple rounds or otherwise behaves differently from the normal ammo. Intensifying magazine applies to the normal gun fire only.
I mean yeah, it does use multiple rounds for everyone but the item reads "Increase Weapon Damage as you continuously fire your weapon".
I mean yeah, it does use multiple rounds for everyone but the item reads "Increase Weapon Damage as you continuously fire your weapon".
The keyword is "continuously". Think of normal fire vs alt fire as like... firing a magazine or a clip vs a double barrel shotgun. One can fire over and over, the other is a start and stop.