Active member
Popbot was created in order to gain notoriety through her AI generated, addictively catchy music music and then harvest the souls of her fans using ethereal sound from the lower planes of Hell. However, due to hardware and spiritual limitations, Popbot was unable to fulfill her purpose of soul collecting, created pretty awful music, and was scrapped. Reanimated by an unknown Patron and given a new found sense of independence, Popbot has decided it is time for her debut: not as a soul collector, but as a musical genius. Taking bits and pieces from the best in the industry, Popbot has decided to head to the top: if not through her sound, through beautifully creative, artistic statements of violence.
Red is so in right now: whether that's from your ears or your wounds. Don't forget to pre-order her single.
Kit Ideas/Theme:
High CC, low mobility character. Tanky taunt character (Axe vibes). Low HP pool, protections and regen to sustain. Low-ish damage. Pop culture references throughout the decades, can be referenced through skins or through voice lines.
All Eyes on Me: Active
Popbot's influence causes heroes to beg for autographs and they can't help but shoot her: forces all heroes in a Radius of Pop bot to be landed, unearthed, and revealed. Bullet and Spirit damage is mitigated by [x]/[y] for each hero taunted this way.
Give me More: Passive
Popbot's extroverted programming causes her to feel energized when surrounded by her fans. Increased spirit and bullet protections and movement speed for each teammate in an X radius around her. Increased health regen and reload speed for each enemy in an Y radius around her.
Feedback: Active
Popbot's AI generated content creates an awful sound that damages enemies and drains stamina disarms, slows and prevents dashing.
Popbot takes to the air, launching a missile and artistically falling in a designated location. The missile does damage and the spirit radiation caused by the crater left behind silences and slows enemies. Crater lasts [x] seconds.
Red is so in right now: whether that's from your ears or your wounds. Don't forget to pre-order her single.
Kit Ideas/Theme:
High CC, low mobility character. Tanky taunt character (Axe vibes). Low HP pool, protections and regen to sustain. Low-ish damage. Pop culture references throughout the decades, can be referenced through skins or through voice lines.
All Eyes on Me: Active
Popbot's influence causes heroes to beg for autographs and they can't help but shoot her: forces all heroes in a Radius of Pop bot to be landed, unearthed, and revealed. Bullet and Spirit damage is mitigated by [x]/[y] for each hero taunted this way.
Give me More: Passive
Popbot's extroverted programming causes her to feel energized when surrounded by her fans. Increased spirit and bullet protections and movement speed for each teammate in an X radius around her. Increased health regen and reload speed for each enemy in an Y radius around her.
Feedback: Active
Popbot's AI generated content creates an awful sound that damages enemies and drains stamina
Popbot takes to the air, launching a missile and artistically falling in a designated location. The missile does damage and the spirit radiation caused by the crater left behind silences and slows enemies. Crater lasts [x] seconds.