Pocket Getting Above Ceiling


New member
Match ID: 630554

At ~23:35, Pocket (Me) was able to get above the ceiling barrier by Majestic Leaping then Teleporting with the Flying Cloak. Pocket was unable to get back down through Flying Cloak, the hyperline, or the unstick player console command. The bug fixed when Pocket let the enemy team kill him (I did not want to abuse this bug). It is probably able to be replicated but I did not try it in that game.
Match ID: 6776047

Same here, a few minutes before round end. Something similar can be done with the Magic Carpet. I was trying to see how far into the sky you can get to use Barrage with, but I didn't expect to get completely stuck doing so. Before the round ended, I managed to suicide by trying to attach to one of the hyperlines near spawn.
Match ID: 6199373

Happens at 14:42 gametime, Pocket casts the Flying Cloak + Enchanter's Satchel combo to run away, but in this case, they casted it directly in front of a tall building wall, the cloak spirit goes straight up and for a brief moment is animating like it would still go up but hit the ceiling, then when Pocket teleports to it, they get stuck on the ceiling.

They kept playing like that until 20:47, when I, playing Paradox, Swapped they out of the sky. In this case, I got stuck at the ceiling and after trying to get unstuck by using the zipline, unstuck command or Warp Stone, then I decided to suicide and it fixed the issue.