Please Add a Server Max Ping Option


New member
I know this is achievable since most other valve games have this feature, but as an east coast NA, playing half my games at 25 ping and the other half at 70-80 when there's very clearly enough players now to get games at lower ping seems like a good idea. I get that the higher elo players would have a harder time getting into games, but I'm perfectly willing to wait an extra few minutes to get a higher quality game than feel like i cant hit anything.
upvote - this ping shit is absurd. I would guess devs are trying to see how to make it work, but it's jsut fucking obnoxious. I think i have like 55-70% wr w/ <40 ping, and maybe 20% with 75ms+
It's also really frustrating when I'm venting about high ping and I have someone from EU in my game saying "I have 120 ping stop bitching" like THAT'S YOUR CHOICE to queue for a different server. I'm on my DESIGNATED server. Please let me have something more than a marginally better cross-seas connection