Player Hitbox stays behind during dash


New member
I've noticed a pattern where players' hitboxes (or whatever is used to calculate hits for AoE damage especially) get left behind at the original starting point of a dash, seemingly until the dash lands on the other side. This leads to a lot of frustration with Warden's CC range, walker slams, and so on. A great recorded example of this is in Mast's recent Seven video at 16:30 -- Seven throws a ball at Infernus who dives away but has ticks of damage follow him because the hits are registering at the old position

(I believe there's another decent example at 24:23)
I'm interested to know if this is a bug or a feature since I know Wraith's teleport works this way. You can shoot where she was or where she's going and hit her in both places.
With Wraith's teleport it makes a little more sense, as there's magic involved and they can make it whatever they want. With a character diving, it's just the current location and getting hit unfairly--not a feature.
Gonna give this a bump since it's a pretty severe problem, don't know how many times I've seen Gray Talon charge up, I dodge, avoid the projectile entirely, and get hit anyway. Extremely frustrating and invalidating of any competitive integrity.