Player cam issues


New member
FIrst of all, before I get to this bug, I want to say that there needs to be a feedback forum, since this is more of a feedback than bug report.

Now, the camera issue is what commonly makes it harder to play. Your camera is behind the right side of your shoulder, and then you have some troopers running behind you, completely blocking your vision. Same for walls and other objects - those are super annoying to deal with. You can sometimes not see the enemy player that is clearly shooting at you and hitting you, but you can't really do anything about it because your camera is behind an object or something like that.

What could be done about this:
1) Make all objects that block the camera become transparent as long as they are behind the player, the same way it is done in Dota 2, for instance.
2) Have the camera move left-to-right depending on whether the player is standing next to a solid object to his right, while keeping the crosshair in the center.