Ping Abilities and Items


Its a habit from Dota but it'd be nice to do a quick click to ping timers or next item buy so your team can know without having to sit there trying to read tiny text while bullets are flying what items you have or if your teammate has an ability up that's not their ulti.
Also something from dota -> ping for items recommendations
e.G. "I think someone should buy $ItemName ! "
So you can kinda request someone to buy an Item if it fits them, or something like metal skin, that people maybe dont think of.
Also something from dota -> ping for items recommendations
e.G. "I think someone should buy $ItemName ! "
So you can kinda request someone to buy an Item if it fits them, or something like metal skin, that people maybe dont think of.

Metal Skin is exactly the reason i keep trying to click and ping my teamates to get when the fuckin Haze is just running around getting free kills
Metal Skin is exactly the reason i keep trying to click and ping my teamates to get when the fuckin Haze is just running around getting free kills
100% this, or in dota the low key passive aggressive "I think someone should buy BKB!"