Permanent ban appeal


New member
Good evening. I am writing here since Dec 26 - 2024. I still want appel my perma ban cause i think here is no reason for this.
I don't use cheats or smth also use twitch as a platform to stream deadlock. Also i don't trash talk in chat or voice. Don't spam and use pause for no reason. Only what i use it is a mods for skins on some hero like bikinidicta and so on. As u can see i have no restrictions on my acc. In screenshots.

As i think the ban was agreed cause people mass report me for good plays. Let me explain.

Before my bad 24 dec - 2024. I have 450+ games and ascendant 1 peak in rating mmr system. My main hero was vindicta with 350+ matches.
My friend who just started playing the game ask me to play with him. and ofc mmr system was broken and put us in archon or oracle lobby where i can kill the whole team solo with good start on vindicta. And people think i am a cheater and so on with aimbot and wall hacks. but it isn't a true.

Here some my matched ID and u can see all of this was in low rank as mine...

my steam id - 76561198392518970 for appel. Devs please answer me here or in direct messages. Also my discord nickname Deioritiys. i joined to discord deadlock server.

as expected, the most basic bought cheat account from g2g
You seem to be playing just fine on another account. Very sus aiming as well.

yep i created a new acc as i read in politic valve i can do this. BUT i wanna bac my main acc.... cause banned 4 real no reason.. okay if here is a reason but no one can answer me and all devs ignoring. i just wanna know why i get banned cause didn't do anything bad