[Performance] McGinnis Spectral Wall framerate issues

McGinnis's Spectral Wall has several performance issues.

The first issue is when calling the wall. After starting the ability, a blue translucent projection of the wall appears in front of McGinnis. The framerate drops from >50fps to ~25fps after the blue translucent projection appears and fills almost the whole view. As the projection gets further away performance improves again.

The second issue is that the actual wall that's produced after placement also drops framerates pretty significantly. Placing the wall ~7.5m ahead resulted in framerate dropping from 50fps to 35-37fps.

I am on a laptop with an i5 12500H using integrated Iris Xe graphics, on charge and set to Performance power profile.
Graphics settings: Everything lowest, 1440x900, 90Hz refresh rate, full resolution scale.

Repro steps:
1. Launch into Hero Sandbox as McGinnis.
2. Use Spectral Wall and observe immediate drop in framerate as blue translucent projection appears.
3. Place wall.
4. Observe low FPS when looking at wall.