McGinnis Spectral Wall timeout behavior is inconsistent


Reproduced in Build 5,294. When placing the McGinnis wall in the sandbox, sometimes it will erupt when it reaches max range and sometimes it will remain as an outline, sitting stationary at max range, allowing you to create the wall at any point after. Once the wall is created, it behaves normally.

I assume that the intended behavior is for the wall to always erupt immediately at max range, in which case I find this bug is more reliably reproducible by casting Spectral Wall immediately before jumping on the zipline (at least in the sandbox), but timing is tight. I'm not sure what triggers it exactly, but it seems to be consistent for a given position and facing, so maybe the terrain matters. I reproduced this in a private match at one point, so I'm fairly sure this isn't just a sandbox issue.


I've had this happen so often in games that I started thinking that it's expected behavior for the wall to wait at max range