New member
I almost exclusively play duo and 8/10 times we are put in separate lanes despite having changed the lane preference to play with your party.
This has been the case ever since this function was released, ironically we both feel that we got put together more often before this was a thing.
I think that I speak for the majority when i say I rather sit a couple of minutes longer in que than get put into a match where i need to lane either solo or with a random when I'm playing exclusively to play with my friend.
It's obvious a lot of solo-players here thinking that this is not such a big deal, but it really is IF you want this game to actually survive in a mainstream environment!
Me and my friend are getting old and we have kids and extremely limited game time we are LUCKY if we can play 3 games a day.
And it just so happens that the laning stage is the most exciting and fun part about deadlock and we want to experience that together.
Stop defending a non functioning preference button, there's simply no excuse.
The swap lane button is not a fix to this problem.

This has been the case ever since this function was released, ironically we both feel that we got put together more often before this was a thing.
I think that I speak for the majority when i say I rather sit a couple of minutes longer in que than get put into a match where i need to lane either solo or with a random when I'm playing exclusively to play with my friend.
It's obvious a lot of solo-players here thinking that this is not such a big deal, but it really is IF you want this game to actually survive in a mainstream environment!
Me and my friend are getting old and we have kids and extremely limited game time we are LUCKY if we can play 3 games a day.
And it just so happens that the laning stage is the most exciting and fun part about deadlock and we want to experience that together.
Stop defending a non functioning preference button, there's simply no excuse.
The swap lane button is not a fix to this problem.

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