Paradox unable to use bomb from start of the game


New member
Closing and rejoining didn't fix, nor changing hotkey, dying, suiciding, unstuck-ing or levelling up

The ability cast aoe would come up, but i was unable to throw the bomb

ID 83369

I left the game, sorry :<
I have been meaning to update this. I have an idea of what was happening here,

It stemmed from changing my self cast button to double tap, AFTER changing the self cast button to mouse4. I realized after finding the option and then changing, that I didn't need a separate self cast button.

Next, I changed all my item hotkeys to match dota, mouse4, mwheelup+down, and V, and Im not 100% positive but I think I was finalizing these changes at game start, like as it was juuuuust about to load us in and start.

So anyways I had trouble attaching bombs to people as seven, and was having trouble with the slowing hex item, and chalked both issues up to not being in range and me not being used to the typical item and spell ranges in the game yet. The reticle would come up, but no key would send it. Not mouse1, not F(my default parry/throw item)

After that, I just never happened to end up with a hero that had that same mechanic, the bomb reticle that you then throw, for several hours, until this game as Paradox came up. After I left that game I mentioned in the post, I went into sandbox, tried everything to get the bomb to throw, and it just wouldn't! I tried every key, and then I was second guessing myself on how the controls even worked, it was like my second day, and I was telling myself I could have sworn you just hit the ability key, the reticle comes up, and mouse 1 throws it, right? And finally I just reset hotkeys to default, and I could throw bombs/use items

Afterwards, I meticulously rebound everything how I wanted it, this time never messing with self cast key, (actually the double tap self cast drop down menu never changed to the default after the hotkey reset). So then I checked if my bombthrowing abilities worked after each bind change. Everything works fine now! And it IS supposed to be mouse1 throwing the item, almost gaslit myself about that tbh

So im thinking it had to do with my changing the options like, RIGHT as a match was loading up last second, or it had something to do with my changing the self cast button, BEFORE changing it to self cast in the drop down menu.

The only issue now is I don't see an option for teammate cast.

I.E. when I use quantum entanglement on dynamo, it has 3 options, mouse1 for deploy, [2] to bring allies or [2] to deselect
and the 2 to deselect supersedes the bring allies option

I hope I'm making sense here, I'm not the most eloquent guy

**EDIT** Someone in discord helped me realize I wasn't clicking fast enough for this teamcast to work properly, but the other issue was a legit bug imo
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