Paradox Kinetic Carbine and Arcane Surge


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When using paradox's kinetic carbine and then performing a dash jump with arcane surge, the camera becomes stuttery. Please see video attached.

[Steps to Reproduce]
  1. Buy Arcane Surge on Paradox
  2. Activate Kinetic Carbine
  3. While the kinetic carbine is charging, perform a dash jump to trigger Arcane Surge
  4. Once fully charged, the user should feel the camera jitter and stutter
[Intended Behavior]

Activating Arcane Surge while charging up Kinetic Carbine should have no effect on the camera.

[Actual Behavior]

Activating Arcane Surge while charging up Kinetic Carbine breaks Paradox's camera. This effects the users ability to aim and control the character.

View attachment paradox_bouncing_bug.mp4