Occult Courier


New member
High concept / Lore

The courier is a witch working for the postal service. They hover on a magic broom, magical mail bags hanging from it. They have good speed and mobility that makes them hard to pin down though their kit focuses on control and supporting allies so damage output is reduced.

For attack they could be using their wand or throwing contents of the satchels at enemies.

Idea is abilities are mail and magic themed with some randomization or variability.

Snow nor Rain
The courier empowers their broom, granting increased speed and flight movement for a short duration, however they become unable to stop in place and must keep moving. At higher levels it provides slow and bullet resistance.

Chain mail
Targeted, the courier throws a stack of letters at target enemy or ally. On impact an effect is applied and a letter removed from stack, then the stack launches itself at closest valid target. Enemies receive some damage and are slowed. Allies conversely will receive a small heal and movement speed buff.

Going Postal
The courier opens the bags fully, this makes flyers and letters fly out as they move. The mail acts as a damaging area of effect for enemies and reduces damage of bullets going through it. The mail will fall at a set rate and disappear as it sinks into the ground fully.

Special delivery
Channeled. The courier starts reading through a randomized list of oversized items, summoning them in the air hovering for a few seconds. Clicking on a position in range will throw the item, enemies in the path and impact area will be affected. Amount of items increases as ability is levelled up.

Item types:
- Parcel : Moderate damage on impact.
- Large furniture (Wardrobe, Piano etc) : Deals moderate damage to enemies in path and stuns enemies in impact area.
- Live munitions : Explodes if it impacts with enemy in path, will deal large amount of damage. If no enemies cause it to explode it creates an area that provides unlimited ammo for its duration.
- Spam : A pallet of cans. Deals moderate damage on impact and silences targets in a larger area on impact.

(Not too sure on this list, I like idea of randomization and having different effects but would be great for this to be easy to read)

Looking forward to any feedback and ideas!
I like the idea of throwing random things. But that reads like just different grenades.
I would like things more varied. Like: furniture as temp roadblocks, foods as health packs, cloths on face to block vision.