Summary: Percival excels at hunting down hiding or fleeing foes with the help of his loyal companion 'Lucky', a dog possessed by a mysterious entity.
Percival uses a semi automatic hunting rifle that does high damage but has a low fire rate. His dog 'Lucky' follows by his side and cannot be damaged. Lucky is possessed by a supernatural entity and can fly so he can always keep up.
Ability 1: Sic 'Em! - Percival commands Lucky to chase down the target hero. Lucky moves towards them quickly and attacks them, and can now be targeted. He has a percentage of Percival's health and deals spirit damage. While chasing, Lucky can be seen through walls as if he was an ally hero. If Lucky lands 3 attacks on the target, they are slowed significantly. T1 reduces cooldown, T2 increases damage, T3 causes all of Lucky's attacks to slow and the third strike to pin the the target down, stunning them. If Lucky is reduced to 0 health, he returns back to Percival. The ability cannot be cast again until Lucky returns.
Ability 2: Howl of the Dead - Lucky lets out a ghostly howl, granting healing over time in an area. If Lucky is currently chasing someone, the howl reduces healing received instead. T1 grants healing to allies/damage over time to enemies, T2 reduces cooldown, T3 increases spirit resistance/reduces spirit resistance and increases duration. The effect changes type whenever Lucky is returned or chasing.
Ability 3: Supernatural Sense - Percival can passively hear footsteps louder than others, and can see low health units in a large range around him through walls. He can activate this ability to teleport to Lucky while he is chasing someone.
Ability 4: Unleash the Hound - Lucky's true form is revealed, becoming a hulking ghostly beast. The cooldown of Sic 'Em is reduced to 0, and Lucky gains a large increase to health, resistances, speed and damage. T1 increases Lucky's health and damage, T2 reduces cooldown, and T3 adds a bleed damage and healing reduction to Lucky's attacks during this ability.
Lore Summary: Percival was no simple hunter. He grew accustomed to the strange beasts and occurrences of the woods, and become a reliable hunter of things most others would not dare to hunt. But as he grew older, he worried the woods would no longer be safe without his presence, so he started training his son in the ways of the hunt. One one hunting trip, things went awry. His son was slaughtered by a terrifying beast, and he was injured and forced to flee. He made it his mission to avenge his son, and returned to the woods more prepared. When he tracked down the beast again, he found a more simple looking dog, with few markings to prove his supernatural nature. He was posses by something sinister, but at his core he was still mans best friend. Percival realized that this beast was innocent, acting only to defend itself as its nature. He realized killing him would not bring back his son. But perhaps the world beyond the rift could give an answer to get his son back, and this beast could be his ticket to pierce the veil. Percival tamed the beast over weeks, months, until they formed a powerful bond that began to pull Percival into another realm. Now he could see the ghosts hidden in the trees more freely, he could hear the cries of the damned, and he could find his son no doubt lost in the world beyond. And so for once Percival's next hunt was not to destroy a soul, but restore it.
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