New Hero: Trek (Portals)


Deadlock-Trek-Hero-Page.pngAbility 1: Create a portal - 2 charges - cooldown 2 seconds - charge refresh time 15 seconds - Damage 80 (Spirit) - Duration 7 secondsFirst Portal does not go anywhere until second portal is created within a 100m radius.If Second Portal is created outside the radius of the First Portal than the First Portal is collapsed and the Second Portal becomes the new First Portal.
Creating a portal thrusts one of Trek's Portal Drones at the target location displacing and damaging enemies in its path until it reaches the target location.
When a Second Portal is created within the radius of the First Portal than the Portals intertwine, enabling movement of heroes AND projectiles in one direction at a time. By default the Second Portal will be the Exit Portal and the First Portal will be the Entrance Portal. Projectiles and beams can travel through portals and players can see to the other side of portals. The Exit Portal displays the view from the other side of the Entrance Portal but has a slightly opaque hue over it showing that it is not able to be shot or traveled through. Portal durations are reset once the Portals become intertwined. The Second Portal's duration will have 3 additional seconds from the standard portal duration.

Ability 2 (Toggle): Swap directions of the portals - 2 second cooldown
Changes Exit to Entrance and Visa Versa. Increases the duration of the active portals by 3 seconds

Ability 3 (Passive): Damage Boost Projectiles and Beams that Go Through Portals - Damage 100 (Spirit)
Projectiles and Beams(including standard fire and abilities) that go through an Entrance Portal and come out of an Exit Portal and hit an enemy, apply an additional burst.

Ability 4: Homing Portal - 80 second cooldown - 23m range - moves at 15m/s + 2m/s every second - Damage 120 (Spirit)
Trek Single-Targets an enemy in range and sends the nearest Portal at them, damaging enemies it collides with on the way. The Portal will continue to chase the enemy until passing through them or if the duration of the Portal runs out. Upon contact with the enemy the portal continues in the direction it was moving prior to contact for 0.5 seconds. The enemy will only be transported by the portal if the portal that contacts them is an Entrance Portal, else they will just be damaged and displaced similar to placing a Second Portal but with slightly more impact damage.

If the Deadlock Dev team is okay with assigning the Create Portal Ability to Right Mouse-Button then Ability 1 can be something else.
Here are a couple Ideas for a new Ability 1:
-1: Portal Dash - Trek Lunges towards the nearest portal
-2: Temporal Blast - Trek blasts a slow moving projectile that grows in size, damage, and speed upon passing through a portal
-3: Moment of Reflection - Upon Activation portals briefly reflect projectiles rather than teleporting them, reflected projectiles are boosted in damage. Enemies firing into a portal that reflects their projectiles will have those projectiles damage ampd with the possibility of damaging themselves.
-4: Self Destructing Portal - Booby trap a portal to explode immediately after use or after a 7 second duration.
-5: Portal Suction - For a duration the Entry Portal pulls in nearby projectiles, units, and heroes and launches them directly out of the Exit Portal.
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I like the idea and the concept but it seems everything is tied to 1 which could make leveling this hero feel very clunky and limited. If you say put ability point in 2 at first level by accident (or if you are new) then you have spent a point on something which does absolutely nothing. You should add some extra effects which makes it less reliant on the portal mechanic.

For instance, change 2 to a grenade which deals damage and slows or something, and if its AoE hits a portal it swaps portal direction. Maybe to match with the reposition theme the grenade could be swap heroes based on its center axis.
3 Should also do something which is not entirely tied to portals, in fact, 3 could just be an upgrade skill point to 1 instead of being a passive skill on its own.

Interested to see where this position manipulation hero goes :)
IMO, an actual portal the team can travel or snatch enemies through should be ult material. Perhaps ability 1 could be re-tooled as a smaller portal for weapon fire/long range item CC casting. Gives clear laning phase utility (hit them with weapon fire from unique angles) and later would allow this hero to apply item CCs on key targets (slowing hex on lash/dynamo, etc), would even allow unique scoping through veils. This would likely free up Ability 2 for something new as well.
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This is a very interesting and multifaceted character with high tactical depth and potential for team play. If his abilities are used correctly, he can become a key figure in battle. However, getting the most out of your abilities requires good coordination and an understanding of mechanics.
Frankly, I would love to play this character. I might suck for a long time with him, but I would enjoy trying new things with the kit!
I like the idea and the concept but it seems everything is tied to 1 which could make leveling this hero feel very clunky and limited. If you say put ability point in 2 at first level by accident (or if you are new) then you have spent a point on something which does absolutely nothing. You should add some extra effects which makes it less reliant on the portal mechanic.

For instance, change 2 to a grenade which deals damage and slows or something, and if its AoE hits a portal it swaps portal direction. Maybe to match with the reposition theme the grenade could be swap heroes based on its center axis.
3 Should also do something which is not entirely tied to portals, in fact, 3 could just be an upgrade skill point to 1 instead of being a passive skill on its own.

Interested to see where this position manipulation hero goes :)
If the Dev team says they would be okay making Right-Click the create portal ability then I could design a new ability 1!
Imagine they add some Easter eggs or references to portal games, like Glados voice line. I like the idea of them trying some of the lore from this game to their other projects
Imagine they add some Easter eggs or references to portal games, like Glados voice line. I like the idea of them trying some of the lore from this game to their other projects
Right?! I feel like everyone's forgetting that this is a Valve game and that all Valve games have CRAZY customization items. They could totally do Portal themed items for Trek.