New Hero: Tracy


New member
dick holmes.png
Detective Tracy
Crime is not the same in New York anymore. Something is growing and festering and being a regular detective is just not cutting it. Detective Tracy and a group of anti-Spirit scientists work with Tracy by giving him valuable gadgets to deal with the growing threat in his peaceful city. Well, New York was never peaceful but it was definitely more peaceful before these cults.

Night Sight and KellyTracey swaps between his automatic tommy gun, Kelly and his special revolver, Night Sight. Weapons have individual ammo and reloads.

If the enemy is silenced, Night Sight will slow and Kelly will apply healing reduction.

If the enemy is tracked, Night Sight will deal bonus damage and Kelly will apply a damage over time.
Cast time: 0.5s
Cooldown: 1s
Kelly healing reduction: -20%
Kelly DPS: 6 (Scale: x0.4)
Kelly effect Duration: 5s
Night Sight movement slow: -20%
Slow duration: 1.5s
Night Sight Bonus Damage: 10 (Spirit: x0.3)
  1. Untitled.png Kelly -10% additional healing reduction. +2 DPS.
  2. Untitled.png Reloads affect both weapons.
  3. Untitled.png The next magazine after swap has +30% bonus fire rate and 20% bonus ammo. CD: 12s
Black SoundThrow a device that activates after 1.5 seconds. The device pulses and silences enemy heroes near it and deals some damage. The device can be destroyed. The device has 30% HP of Tracy. Pulses every 1.5 seconds. The device can be stuck to walls.Cast Range: 6m
Pulse Radius: 13m
Duration: 6s
Damage Per Pulse: 10
Lingering Silence Duration: 1.5s
Cooldown: 30s
  1. Untitled.png +15 Damage Per Pulse.
  2. Untitled.png Pulses slow movement by 10% for 1.5s. +3m Pulse Radius
  3. Untitled.png +3 Second Device duration. +5% Device Health
Take the JobTracy launches a projectile that sticks to an enemy hero and tracks them. That hero has lowered bullet and spirit resist and leaves tracks on the ground that allied heroes can visibly see, follow, and track the enemy.
This ability is passive and affects the first hero struck. Only one enemy can be affected at a time.
Duration: 15 seconds
Cooldown: 40 seconds
Resist Reduction: 10%
  1. Untitled.png +10 Second Duration.
  2. Untitled.png Enemy hero can be seen on the mini map from anywhere while tracked.
  3. Untitled.png -20 second cooldown. Heroes within 20m of target have +2 m/s.
Air CarTracy calls for an Air Car with his wrist device that lands in front of him. After getting in the air car, you select a spot on the map. An indicator appears on the map location and after a 3s channel Tracy will arrive at the designated location. Car will last 6 seconds before entering and choosing a location before expiring.Cooldown: 120
Max Range: 400m
  1. Untitled.png After landing, allied heroes have +15% Bullet and Spirit Resist for 4s.
  2. Untitled.png Allies can enter the air car.
  3. Untitled.png Car travel range increased by +1100m.

Tracy wields two weapons, his main weapon, a revolver named Night Sight. And a short range Tommy Gun named Kelly. Night Sight is better at long range compared to the very short range of Kelly. However, Kelly, has a conal attack that deals splash damage in area close to his gun. In general, Tracy excels at debuffing the enemy and making team plays.

Tracy skills comes from knowing when to swap weapons to take advantage of separate magazines, and when which debuff is better for the current fight. Positioning is key. You need to be close to use Kelly and place Black Sound correctly. Synergy emerges with Air Car and Take the Job, as the enemy is tracked, Tracy and allies can set up an ambush based on the movements of the enemy, or even make an escape. Take the Job and Black Sound improve Tracy's weapons. If you can open with Kelly you can set up debuffs that will last while you engage with Night Sight to deal with crippled foes. You can use Night Sight to catch up to engage with Kelly. In this, you have the burst damage of using both weapons to the fullest.

In short; 2 weapons (close and medium range), a grenade that can silence, an ability to track enemies, and a unique way to travel far distances as an ultimate.
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Nice presentation. The last three abilities are strong. I'm not sold on his being a weapon switcher, and I think the differences between the two guns are frivolous.
Nice presentation. The last three abilities are strong. I'm not sold on his being a weapon switcher, and I think the differences between the two guns are frivolous.
Thanks for commenting. I had a couple things in mind about the weapon switching. 1. theme. the inspiration character uses both a tommy gun and a revolver. 2. its fun. I had a hero from dota in mind troll warlord. that switches from throwing axes to hitting with axes at melee and its a fun mechanic. 3. the weapons are pretty different. they establish different debuffs according to the situation. 1 target vs many. tanky build vs more glass cannon (for flexibility).