New hero idea: Darhe - Shadow step/ Shadow Diver

Kevin Mutz

New member
Name: Darhe, Shadow Diver

Primary weapons:
- Double pistols (one in each hand)
- Initial Ammo: 16 (8 bullets in each pistol)
- M1: Simple shots alternating from each pistol
- M2: "Spray'n'Pray" Instead of zooming in, bursts almos like a shotgun, depleting 8 bullets (4 each pistol) in to the aimed area. Has a 1.0-0.8second cooldown from each M2 shot.

Skill 1: Shadow Daze/ Shadow Dash
-Darhe slides in a straight line to designated area (aim to point in setted distance from skill) with a boosted speed of 2.7x. At the end of the dash, splashes the front end area (180 degree in front on a radius of 4m) with dark matter/shadow ink. Damages enemies in area for 30 spirit damage + slows them for 70% for 1.5 seconds. Has a 22 second cooldown
-Lvl 1 upgrade: -8 second cooldown
-Lvl 2 upgrade: Slow debuff time increases from 1.5 seconds to 2.5
-Lvl 3 upgrade: For each enemy affected by the debuff, Darhe gains 20% bonus bullet/spirit resistance. Lingers for double the ammout of the debuff on the enemies, decaying over time.

Skill 2: Close Curtains
-Darhe holsters one of his pistols (can be right or left, depends on wich side aiming from the set skill location) for 3 seconds or untill you cancel the ability. Using his free hand, he will create a shadow curtain that blocks partially the vision from the point where he started the skill untill you stop moving or cancel the ability. You drag the skill like painting in the floor. The skill has a really close range (0.4-0.8m) and can only be aimed at the floor as a point of reference for you to create de curtain. The curtain itself does no damage, but slows enemys that try to pass through for -25% current movespeed for 2 seconds. The curtain will linger for 6 seconds or untill a enemi stays on top of the curtain for 3 seconds. Has a 40 second cooldown.
Note: While in Close Curtains, Darhe can M2, but will only do half the normal M2 damage.
-Lvl 1 upgrade: Close Curtains now applyes a -20% bullet resistance that lingers over 1.2 seconds
-Lvl 2 upgrade: While using Close Curtains, Darhe gains a overall 20% buff (bullet resistance; weapon damage; spirit resist; spirit damage; movespeed)
-Lvl 3 upgrade: -25 seconds cooldown

Skill 3: Your Shadow (Passive)
-While Darhe walks and shoots he gains: movespeed, weapon damage and bullet/spirit resistance that escalates based on how close you are from the enemey. (Buff starst from set minimum location from player to enemy) The closer you are, the bigger the buff. Buff lingers for 0.4 seconds and is only applyed if shooting, after that, the buff starts to decay in 2.3 seconds.
-Minimum range: 10m (starts at 8% bonus and can go up to 45%)
-Lvl 1 upgrade: Also gain Spirit damage
-Lvl 2 upgrade: While out of combat, will gain an aura regen of 8 life per second (self) that can heal also allyes for half that ammout(alllyes must be in a 4m distance from Darhe).
-Lvl 3 upgrade: Buff increases from 8%-45% to 10%-55% and increase linger duration of 1 second. Decay time expanded to 4 seconds.

Skill 4 (Ultimate): Dive Deep/Shadow Drive
-Darhe throws a viscous dark matter in front of him on the floor and enemies (front radius 5-8m, splash will only hit enemies up to 5m and will stain the floor to a 8m radius) and shortly after dives in to it. After a short time (or recasting in chosen location) resurface in set roud area dealing 280 spirit damage and stunning enemies for 2 seconds. Enemies hit by the initial dark matter will take bonus damage (20% bonus damage = +56). Initial skill damage: 280 spirit and has a 156 second cooldown
Note: Darhe is invunerable during the dive. The max dive time is 3.4 seconds.
-Lvl 1 upgrade: Plus 120 damage (20% bonus damage = +80)
-Lvl 2 upgrade: Enemies get spirit debuffed for 2 seconds, 18% debuff
-Lvl 3 upgrade: -46 seconds
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Nice details. I like the description of the dash ability, with the cone at the end. You've made it very easy to understand what the skill does, and making skills with simple mechanics a little more complex by adding these kinds of variations is an effective way to get more bang out of the design space. For the second ability, it seems like this would be much simpler if the character just had one gun, or if both guns were using the same ammo clip, as this seems like an animation complication--but I'll keep reading. Close Curtains is an interesting ability, but I'm questioning what the point is of being able to pain this ability over a 3 second window. I'm also considering, rather than painting on the floor, which entails looking down, why not have a ball of ink that drips down to the floor, which creates the obscuring curtain while the spell is channeling?

The third ability is pretty interesting. It seems like this is a character who wants to close in on enemies to finish them with M2. I'm still trying to square this kit with the second ability; if I'm not mistaken, it seems that by casting Close Curtains, you're gimping your damage output, but you are putting up a veil that might help you to close in on your enemies. I think as a player that's a tough sell, and I'd rather get the full benefits from both my abilities and my weapons.

Something interesting is going on with the ultimate ability. I'm not sure if I'm sold by it in its present incarnation; you throw a molly, then you're forced to jump in, and after a short time you resurface and damage and stun enemies. I'm looking at this and I'm thinking, why not let me decide when I'd like to jump in, and it seems like there should be some other effect rather than an area effect burst from a static area--especially because this character really wants mobility to close in. As it is, the spell accomplishes a few things well, but at the same time it feels overly simple and restrictive.