New hero: Helena (assassin, burst, ambush, escape)


New member
Hello everyone! A good concept of a hero came to my mind. The hero is tied to attacks in the back and maintaining dagger stacks. I think she can fit into the game well. Enough space for smart game maneuvers. Damage and distance figures are far from final, it's just an approximate value. I also apply art from open sources for an approximate understanding of the hero's vision. Write your thoughts in the comments I'd like to read it!



Left mouse button:

Throws a dagger and deals attack damage, if the dagger hits the back, it imposes a movement slow effect (3-5%). It can be folded up to 3 times. Each effect has its own duration.

Right mouse button:

Allows you to extract daggers from the enemy's back by dealing additional damage (current attack/2 per stack). The damage is greater with the number of daggers extracted.

The first skill:

Helena can disguise herself next to any object (column, pillar, wall, etc.) becoming completely invisible after 1 second. She can't move. If there is an enemy within a radius of 5/7 meters, the hero can jump on him, making an attack that causes (200?) damage, imposes a dagger stack, as well as an injury that prohibits the use of escape skills for 1 second. The damage is greater for each dagger effect on the target (+50 per stack).
Cooldown 15 seconds.

The second skill:

The hero performs a circular attack around herself, dealing 150 damage, imposing 1 dagger effect on each target hit, as well as the effect of reducing protection by 25%. Gives Helena +15% movement speed.
Cooldown 13 seconds

The third skill (passive):

Any attack that imposes a dagger stack (back attack or ability) slows the opponent's turn rate by 85% for 0.1seconds. Each stack of the dagger causes bleeding. Extracting 3 daggers causes profuse bleeding, allows you to see the blood trail of the target (mark) for 3-7 seconds and keeps the slowdown on the target for this period of time, this effect cannot be extended with new dagger stacks.

Fourth skill:

Elena makes a leap forward by (15?) meters. If there is an opponent in the way of the jerk, then Helena teleports behind him and deals a blow equal to (300?) damage. Adds +50 damage for each dagger stack on the target. When attacking a target with three daggers in his back, ignores 50% of the defense. With lethal damage, all the hero's abilities recharge faster.
Cooldown 45 seconds


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If there is an opponent in the way of the jerk,
hmm? I know jerk can mean sudden/quick movement, but I'd still choose a different word lol

As for the concept, I think its neat, I like the idea of a riki-like character, although I think you could consolidate it considerably by having the left-mouse and right-mouse effects be the third skill, as I think the third skill is kinda redundant.
Also, I think in its currents form the elements of the kit dont really synergize together that well, mainly because for a character that's all about hitting folks in the back, the only way she can get into a position to do that is with her 1st skill (and ult), which requires her to activate and stand still next to a solid object for 1 second. Let's think about that for a bit. She has to stand still, hoping someone not only walks into her field of vision, but also is close enough for her to recast the ability. She sounds like her playstyle would be very, very passive, which is kinda the opposite of what an assassin is expected to play like.
Personally, I'd look at adding some sort of movement into her 1st ability, and perhaps adding some way of making the enemy look away, maybe you could have her spawn a clone that could fool the enemies while making herself invisible, making them look away from her.

Oh and lastly I think it'd be neat if you credited the artists who drew the assassin drawings, cheers.
hmm? I know jerk can mean sudden/quick movement, but I'd still choose a different word lol

As for the concept, I think its neat, I like the idea of a riki-like character, although I think you could consolidate it considerably by having the left-mouse and right-mouse effects be the third skill, as I think the third skill is kinda redundant.
Also, I think in its currents form the elements of the kit dont really synergize together that well, mainly because for a character that's all about hitting folks in the back, the only way she can get into a position to do that is with her 1st skill (and ult), which requires her to activate and stand still next to a solid object for 1 second. Let's think about that for a bit. She has to stand still, hoping someone not only walks into her field of vision, but also is close enough for her to recast the ability. She sounds like her playstyle would be very, very passive, which is kinda the opposite of what an assassin is expected to play like.
Personally, I'd look at adding some sort of movement into her 1st ability, and perhaps adding some way of making the enemy look away, maybe you could have her spawn a clone that could fool the enemies while making herself invisible, making them look away from her.

Oh and lastly I think it'd be neat if you credited the artists who drew the assassin drawings, cheers.
Thanks for your feedback! I agree about movement abilities. In first versions almost every skill had movement, but i thought it was way to unbalanced.. so i start nerfing her a little before even posting it to community review. Actually i think valve anyway will balance/change everything to correct way. They definitely know more than me in hero creation, I've just showed the character vector