New Boots for Weapon and Spirit (Similar to Enduring Speed for Vitality)


New member
Tier 2 Spirit Item
Amethyst Slippers
+1.4m/s Move Speed
+2m/s Sprint Speed
+8 Spirit
+5% CD Reduction
Passive: Using spells give 2 spirit for 15 seconds
Cost: 1750 Souls

Tier 2 Weapon Item
Achilles Heels
+1.4m/s Move Speed
+2m/s Sprint Speed
+15% Fire rate
+20% Weapon damage
-5% Bullet Resist
Passive: Increase ammo by 2 when you kill a hero (Max of 6 stacks)
Cost: 1750 Souls

Need more boot options for different playstyles, Vitality has boots, why dont weapon and spirit have boots as well. YOSHI HELLO??
Maybe have 500 boot options similar to sprint boots in vitality, potentially 4 new item ideas? Need more diversity imo
Edit: Maybe also add that you cant stack boots, otherwise people buy all 3 boots for like +4m/s speed.
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Also 6300 upgrades into boots, hefty cost for maybe like +3m/s move speed or something and +5m/s Sprint? 2 more good item ideas right here
Edit: Forgot to mention but the reason why its costing 1750 is because youd have to buy a 500 boot option and upgrade into 1250 so a total of 1750

Also itd be nice for certain heroes because maybe if you were a vitality hero, you could still buy a weapon or spirit boot to get the move speed instead of having to use a vitality slot for enduring speed. I literally buy enduring speed on every hero, just offfers more options of movement speed items without having to fill a vitality slot to obtain it