Nerf haze ult

Number of bullets fired : 30
Haze base bullet Damage : 5.6
Extra Ultimate Damage : +2 per bullet

(5.6+2)*30= 228 damage

Total Fixation Damage Stacks stack an additional 0.2 damage per shot per stack
It is not a flat 0.2*30 it cumulatively stacks that damage per bullet.
Calculating the total additional fixation damage is 87 damage

228+87 = 315

should be this everytime naked at base level starting from 0 fixation stacks
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Number of bullets fired : 30
Haze base bullet Damage : 5.6
Extra Ultimate Damage : +2 per bullet

(5.6+2)*30= 228 damage

Total Fixation Damage Stacks stack an additional 0.2 damage per shot per stack
It is not a flat 0.2*30 it cumulatively stacks that damage per bullet.
Calculating the total additional fixation damage is 87 damage

228+87 = 315

Ultimate does not split damage between targets. It does full damage to a maximum number of targets. Test this with three dummies, this will place the ult beyond the base maximum target count and the bullets will spread among them better.

Yep, it does full damage to multiple targets AND it also does extra damage to a single target when it's not supposed to.
"i cant even react" when playing shadow weave wraith LMAO you cant make this shit up

buy metal skin and laugh at hazes next time
but yeah, seems like haze ult is bugged, at least in practice range.

if theres 2 training dummies in range, and one of them dies, seems like the remaining training dummy will get hit by 2 bullets every shot dealing more damage.
From what I hear, Haze's Bullet Dance has been bugged ever since they added the +1 targets hit per shot modifier, but it's even more pronounced now that it's included in the base ability.

Here is the result of using the unleveled Bullet Dance on 2 targets:1728728299041.jpeg
Both take 301 damage.

Here is the result of using the unleveled Bullet Dance on a single target:
For some reason, he takes 542 damage. That is too much. Weirdly, he only gets 30 fixation stacks.

As a result, right now Haze is unreasonably powerful when it comes to one man ults. This gives her a unintentional early game advantage.