Mystic shot causes Paradox's Kinetic Carbine shot to not trigger Improved Burst


New member
As Mystic Shot works on Paradox's Kinetic Carbine, there's a calculation issue with how Improved Burst handles it (probably same for Mystic Burst at low weapon damage). Improved Burst needs 125 Damage in a single hit to trigger the 10% max health spirit damage, and if the kinetic carbine does overall way over 125 damage, it still wont trigger it cause Mystic Shot itself deals less than 125 damage.

Here's a video where I had bought items so that my Mystic Shot deals 82 Spirit damage, which is 2 points above Mystic Burst threshold of 80 damage, but way under the threshold for Improved Burst's 125.
Mystic Shot + Mystic Burst = 428 damage.
Mystic Shot + Improved Burst = 425 damage.
3 points less with Improved Burst because the 82 Mystic Shot spirit damage does not trigger the Improved Burst's 125 damage threshold, even though the total is way above the damage required. It must somehow calculate the damage from Mystic Shot alone, since if it somehow was 2 hits, it should trigger the 10% threshold on the latter set of damage, which is way over 125.

At the end of the video I sold Mystic Shot to show how Improved Burst does more damage with the Kinetic Carbine than Mystic Burst does. If there's something I missed, please point it out.
It must somehow calculate the damage from Mystic Shot alone
And it always does so.
Mystic Shot is treated as a different ability, and does not proc Improved Burst. I think it is more a feature than a bug.
I agree that it feels wierd, but is intended.
First of all (as already pointed out) Mystic Shot damage isn't added to Kinetic Carbine. As the item description states, it is bonus damage; as in a separate instance. (See also this post.)

Improved Burst still triggers from Kinetic Carbine on your shots. The reason the shot has less damage is because it only triggers once, doing 10% of Abrams HP, which is 60 damage, whereas Mystic Burst triggers from both Kinetic Carbine and Mystic Shot before its cooldown can go off, doing 2*35 (=70) damage.


And before you ask: No, you can't do the same thing with Improved Burst and trigger it twice by getting Mystic Shot above 125dmg, because it has doesn't have a cooldown like Mystic Burst, but makes targets temporarily immune to its effects when its triggered. 🙃

edit: Thinking about this further, I'd actually call this a bug, because according to their item descriptions, Mystic Burst and Improved Burst shouldn't be able to trigger off of Mystic Shot at all, as Mystic Shot is not an ability.
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edit: Thinking about this further, I'd actually call this a bug, because according to their item descriptions, Mystic Burst and Improved Burst shouldn't be able to trigger off of Mystic Shot at all, as Mystic Shot is not an ability.
I don't know if it is intended, or just a wierd wording, since Mystic and Improved Bursts proc on items such as Cold Front, Silence Glyph and Slowing Hex, even Torment Pulse (if u have enough spirit to scale it to 125 damage)
But as you said, these are items, not abilities. They should probably change the wording to "abilities and items deal bonus spirit damage"